WWI - Cloth Insignia

WWI 1st Division French Made Patch. Three and a quarter inches tall. Thin wool background with French hand embroidered details. Unused but there are a couple...
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WWI 205th Infantry Regiment Liberty Loan Patch. Silk woven. Unused.
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WWI 205th Infantry Regiment Liberty Loan Patch. Silk woven construction. Appears to have been used.
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WWI 26th Division Liberty Loan Patch. Silk woven. Unused.
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WWI - 1920's 27th Infantry WOLFHOUNDS Wool Pennant. About thirty-three inches long. Has multi-piece wool wolfhounds patch and  27TH INF 22ND BRIG...
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WWI 28th Division Liberty Loan Patch. Silk woven construction. Unused.
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WWI 28th Division patch. Red melton wool KEYSTONE. It is machine sewn to a od wool blanket like material. Unused.
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WWI 28th Division Patch. Wool on wool construction. Unused.
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WWI- 1920's 29th Division On Wool Patch. Machine embroidered on a mustard wool background. Unused.
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WWI 29th Division Patch. Multi-piece wool construction. Has a couple of superficial bug bites. Unused.
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WWI 2nd Aero Park Patch. Multi-piece wool construction with hand embroidered details. Has been used.
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WWI 2nd Division Patch. Multi-piece wool construction. Used and has some bug damage to the edges.
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