WWI - Cloth Insignia

WWI 12th Division Liberty Loan Patch. Silk woven. Unused.
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WWI 150th Aero Squadron Enlisted Patch. White hand embroidered details on a dark wool background. Unused.
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WWI 156th Field Artillery 81st Division Patch. Multi-piece construction, on wool. Unused.
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WWI 161st Infantry Regiment 81st Division patch. Multi-piece wool construction. Unused.
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WWI 164th Field Artillery Brigade 89th Division LIberty Loan Patch. Silk woven. Unused.
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WWI 89th Division 177th Infantry Brigade Oversized Patch. About four inches tall. Wool background with a thick velvet insert. Uniform removed.
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1920's-30's 2nd Division Multi-Piece Wool Patch. Almost four inches tall. Multi-piece wool construction with hand embroidered details. Unused.
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WWI 1st Army Aviation Liberty Loan Patch. Silk woven. Unused.
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WWI 1st Army General Intermediate Supply Depot Bullion Patch. Black wool background with German bullion embroidered details. Unused.
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WWI 1st Army Pioneer Troops Patch. Soft, od wool background. Has hand embroidered silk A & P. Unused.
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WWI 1st Army Railway Artillery Reserve Liberty Loan Patch. Silk woven construction. Another tougher to find variant.
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WWI - 1920's 1st Corps Patch. Black wool background with white hand embroidered details. Unused.
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WWI 1st Division French Made Patch. Three and a quarter inches tall. Thin wool background with French hand embroidered details. Unused but there are a couple...
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WWI 205th Infantry Regiment Liberty Loan Patch. Silk woven. Unused.
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WWI 205th Infantry Regiment Liberty Loan Patch. Silk woven construction. Appears to have been used.
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WWI 26th Division Liberty Loan Patch. Silk woven. Unused.
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WWI - 1920's 27th Infantry WOLFHOUNDS Wool Pennant. About thirty-three inches long. Has multi-piece wool wolfhounds patch and  27TH INF 22ND BRIG...
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WWI 28th Division Liberty Loan Patch. Silk woven construction. Unused.
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WWI 28th Division patch. Red melton wool KEYSTONE. It is machine sewn to a od wool blanket like material. Unused.
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WWI 28th Division Patch. Wool on wool construction. Unused.
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WWI- 1920's 29th Division On Wool Patch. Machine embroidered on a mustard wool background. Unused.
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WWI 29th Division Patch. Multi-piece wool construction. Has a couple of superficial bug bites. Unused.
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WWI 2nd Aero Park Patch. Multi-piece wool construction with hand embroidered details. Has been used.
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WWI 2nd Division Patch. Multi-piece wool construction. Used and has some bug damage to the edges.
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WWI 2nd Engineers Supply Company Velvet And Bullion Wall Hanger. Faded, crushed green velvet background. Has gold bullion German stripes around edges. In...

WWI - 1920's US Marine Corps 2nd Squadron 2nd Division Patch Set. The 2nd division patch is Two inches tall and machine embroidered on wool. The tab is an...
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WWI 313th Infantry Regiment 79th Division Cap Insignia. About two inches by two inches. Theatre made thin stamped brass numbers on a thick wool background....
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WWI 332nd Aero Squadron Enlisted Patch. White hand embroidered details on a dark wool background. Unused.
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WWI 342nd Machine Gun Battalion 89th Division Liberty Loan Patch. Silk woven construction. Unused.
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WWI 34th Engineer Installations Utilities Patch. Wool background with hand embroidered and silver bullion details. Used.
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WWI 34th Sandstorm Division Liberty Loan Patch. Silk woven construction. One of the tougher to find variants.
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WWI 352nd Aero Squadron Enlisted Patch. White hand embroidered details on a dark wool background. Unused.
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WWI Frnech Made 39th Division Patch. Blue wool background with hand embroidered details. Unused.
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WWI 3rd Battalion 9th Infantry Regiment 2nd Division Patch. Three inches tall. Multipiece wool construction. Has been used.

WWI 3rd Division Bullion Patch. Dark wool background with German made silver bullion stripes. Used.
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WWI 40th Division Cap Patch. About two inches tall. Machine embroidered on a blue wool background. Unused.
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WWI 40th Division Patch. Thin blue wool background with hand embroidered details. Unused.
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WWI-1920's Bullion 41st Division Patch. About two and a half inches tall. Bullion details on wool background. Unused.
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WWI 42nd Division Liberty Loan Patch. Silk woven construction. Used.
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WWI 42nd RAINBOW Division Patch. Multi-piece wool construction. Uniform removed.
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Pre-WWI 45th Coast Artillery Bullion Officers Collar Insignia. About an inch and a half wide. Black wool background with thick gold bullion embroidered...
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WWI 487th Aero Squadron Enlisted Patch. White hand embroidered details on a dark wool background. Unused.
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WWI 4th Division Artillery Patch. Large size. Multi-piece wool construction. Unused but has some bug bites.
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WWI 4th Division Liberty Loan Patch. Silk woven construction. Unused.
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WWI 4th Division patch. German hand embroidered details on soft wool background. Uniform removed, and has a bug bite.
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WWI 4th Division Patch. A little over three inches tall. Hand cut wool background. Uniform removed.
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WWI 59th Regiment 31st Coast Artillery Patch. Machine embroidered on od wool. Unused.
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WWI 5th Corps Artillery Patch. Multi-piece wool construction. Uniform removed.
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WWI 5th Corps Liberty Loan Patch. Silk woven construction. Unused.
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WWI 5th Division Patch. Multi-piece wool construction. Uniform removed.
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WWI 70th Division Liberty Loan Patch. Thick silk woven. Unused.
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WWI 70th Infantry Brigade 35th Division Patch. Machine embroidered on wool. Uniform removed.
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WWI 71st Coastal Artillery Patch. Machine embroidered details on a white wool background. Unused.
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WWI 74th Engineers Wall Hanger. About two foot by two and a half feet. Dark blue velvet background. At the tp are British, US, French & Italian flags...
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WWI 76th Division Liberty Loan Patch. Silk woven construction. A super tough one to find. Unused.
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WWI 77th Division Patch. Blue silk background with fine gold bullion embroidered details. Unused.
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WWI - 1920's 77th Division Patch. Machine embroidered on od wool. Unused.
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WWI 78th Division Liberty Loan Patch. Thick silk woven. Used.
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WWI 78th Division Patch. Multi-piece wool construction. Unused.
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WWI 79th Division 1st Pattern Liberty Loan Patch. Silk woven construction. Unused.
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WWI Or WWII 79th Division Bullion Patch. Two inches tall. Thick bullion embroidery on a velvet like background. Uniform removed. The only reason I don't just...
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WWI 79th Division Liberty Loan Patch. Silk woven. Uncut.
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WWI 7th Division Patch. Multi-piece wool construction. Unused.
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WWI Bullion 80th Division Patch. OD wool background with blue wool mountains. Gold and silver bullion border details. Unused.
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WWI 80th Division Patch. Four inches tall. OD wool background with German made details. Unused.
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WWI 82nd Division Liberty Loan Patch. Silk woven. Unused.
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WWI 84th Lincoln Division Patch. Multi-piece wool background with hand embroidered details. Unused.
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WWI 84th LINCOLN Division Patch. Slightly over two inches in diameter. Soft wool background with hand embroidered silk details. Unused.

WWI 85th Aero Squadron Patch. Multi-piece wool construction, with some high quality hand embroidered details. Has a couple of bug bites in lower left corner...
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WWI 85th Division Liberty Loan Patch. Silk woven construction. Unused.
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WWI 86th Division Liberty Loan Patch. Thick silk woven. Unused.
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WWI 86th Division Patch. Multi-piece wool construction. Unused.
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WWI 86th Division Variant patch. Multi-piece wool construction. Used.
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WWI 87th Division Liberty Loan Patch. Heavy silk woven construction. Used.
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WWI 88th Division Artillery Patch. Black wool clover shaped body with faded red Soutache around edges. Used and has a small bug bite in top at edge.
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WWI 88th Division Artillery Patch. About three and a half inches tall. Multi-piece wool construction with red German cord going around clover. Unused.
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WWI 88th Division Patch. Multi-piece wool construction with hand embroidered details. Used.
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WWI 88th Division Patch. Multi-piece wool construction. Unused.
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WWI 89th Division 178th Infantry Regiment Patch. Multi-piece wool construction. Unused.
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WWI 90th Division Liberty Loan Patch. Thicker silk woven construction. Unused.
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WWI 91st Division Patch. Multi-piece wool construction. Has been removed from a uniform.  
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WWI 91st Division Patch. Green wool pine tree sewn to a heart shaped piece of od wool. Unused.
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WWI 92nd Division Buffalo Patch. Almost two and a quarter inches tall. Wool background with black embroidered details. UNused.
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WWI 92nd Division Patch. French hand embroidered on a horizon blue wool background. Unused.
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WWI 92nd Division Liberty Loan Patch. Silk woven construction. Unused.
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WWI 92nd Division PatchDark blue or black wool buffalo that is then sewn to an od wool background. Unused.
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1920's 92nd Division Studley Patch. About an inch and three quarters in diameter. Machine embroidered on wool. Unused.
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WWI American Embarkation Center Patch. Black wool background with bullion and cord details. Looks German made. Unused.
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WWI Anti-Aircraft Artillery Unit Patch. Multi-piece wool construction. Uniform removed.

WWI Artillery Ordnance Repair School Insignia Set. The shoulder patch is machine embroidered on a thin od wool. Included is a Ordnance ssgt chevron, collar...
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WWI Assistant Band Leader Chevron. Khaki twill background with embroidered details. Unused.
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WWI Bugler Staff Sergeant Chevron. Khaki twill background with black or dark blue chevrons and bugle. Used.
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WWI - Pre WWII Bullion HUngarian Pilot's Wing. Three and three quarters long. Black wool background with bullion embroidered details. Has a paper like...
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WWI Central Records Office Bullion Patch. Almost five inches across from tip to tip. Black wool background with some of the nicest bullion embroidered work...
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1915 Central Records Office Patch. About a inch and a half tall. Silk embroidered on a thin twill background. Unused.
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WWI Commissary Sergeant Chevron. OD wool background with wool machine sewn details. Used.
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