WWI & Before

In this section we will be listing all the militaria we have for sale that is from WWI era and before. This will cover the Revolution, French & Indian War, Mexican War, Civil War, Indian War, Spanish American War and WWI. There probably won't be that much from the pre-1860's as we just don't run across that often in California.


WWI era Portrait of a soldier from 36th Infantry Division. Division patch on both the uniform and overseas cap. The photo is clean with some wear around the...
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WWI 372nd Aero Squadron Enlisted Patch. White hand embroidered details on a dark wool background. Unused.
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WWI 388th Aero Squadron Enlisted Patch. White hand embroidered details on a dark wool background. Used.
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WWI 389th Aero Squadron Enlisted Patch. White hand embroidered details on a dark wool background. Used.
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WWI 390th Aero Squadron Enlisted Patch. White hand embroidered details on a dark wool background. Unused.
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WWI 391st Aero Squadron Enlisted Patch. White hand embroidered details on a dark wool background. Unused.
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WWI 394th Aero Squadron Enlisted Patch. White hand embroidered details on a dark wool background. Unused.
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WWI 395th Aero Squadron Enlisted Patch. White hand embroidered details on a dark wool background. Used.
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WWI 396th Aero Squadron Enlisted Patch. White hand embroidered details on a dark wool background. Used.
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WWI 397th Aero Squadron Enlisted Patch. White hand embroidered details on a dark wool background. Used.
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WWI 398th Aero Squadron Enlisted Patch. White hand embroidered details on a dark wool background. Unused.
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WWI 399th Aero Squadron Enlisted Patch. White hand embroidered details on a dark wool background. Used.
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WWI Frnech Made 39th Division Patch. Blue wool background with hand embroidered details. Unused.
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WWI era 3in Gun Carriage Model 1902 Tool Roll. The khaki Cotton/canvas body is intact with no notable damage and just some staining from usage. Leather...
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WWI 3rd Battalion 9th Infantry Regiment 2nd Division Patch. Three inches tall. Multipiece wool construction. Has been used.

Spanish American War 3rd Corps 3rd Division 2nd Regiment Unit Badge. Silver colored metal background with deep blue enameled details. Pin back with an open...
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Spanish American War 3rd Division 7th Corps Badge. About an inch and a quarter tall. Silver background with blue enameled details. Pin back with an open hook...
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WWI 3rd Division Bullion Patch. Dark wool background with German made silver bullion stripes. Used.
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WWI Or Before 3rd Infantry Sew Down Officers Collar Device. About an inch and a half long. Blackened finish. Shows use. Has four small loops for sewing to...
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WWI 3rd LIberty Loan Presentation Plaque. Wooden body, about eight and a half inches tall. Has two metal stars at the top. In the center is a brass plaque...
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