Vietnam Era (1957 - 1975)

Vietnam Era M-1956 Field gear setup. Includes two canteen, two ammo pouches, one butt pack, suspenders, belt and first aid pouch. All of the gear is worn...
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Cold War era M2 Carbine Magazine Pouch. Pouch is in good shape with just minor staining and wear from usage. Pouch is marked J.Q.M.D. 1951
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Vietnam Era M2 Carbine/SMG Ammunition Pouch. The OD cotton canvas material is in good condition with no damage to the body and just some staining from...
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Vietnam era three cell version of the M3 Grease Gun Magazine Pouch. In excellent condition, with excellent markings on the back of the hanging lop.
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Vietnam Era M3 SMG Ammunition Pouch. Od Cotton / canvas body. On the back is marked  POCKET AMMUNITION MAGAZINES  SMG  M3  DSA-100-4479  8465-577-4915....
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1960's MAAG / JUSMMAT Turkey Lighter. Brushed finish. Engraved on lid is  ANKARA TURKEY. On the body is an applied brass and enamel unit emblem. On the...
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Vietnam US MAAG Cambodia Oversized Pocket Patch. Three and a half inches tall. Vietnamese hand embroidered. Scan does not do this patch justice as it is a...
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Vietnam MAAG Cambodia Pocket Patch. Vietnamese hand embroidered. Unused.
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1961 US Navy Advisor To MAAG Formosa Naval Section Insignia Group. This is a really cool group. Included is a MAAG flat cigartette lighter with the insignia...
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Vietnam MAAG Laos Patch. Vietnamese hand embroidered. Unused.
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Vietnam Era MAAG Laos Staff Pocket Patch. Thick Japanese (?) machine embroidered. Unused.
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Military Assistance Advisory Group Patch. Thai hand embroidered. Unused. One you don't see very often.
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Vietnam MAAG / MIlitary Advisory & Assistances Group Patch. Philippine hand embroidered. Used.
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Vietnam Era Military Advisory & Assistance Group Viet-Nam Patch Set. Two piece. Fully Japanese machine embroidered. Removed from a uniform.
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1950's-60's US Marine Corps MABS-26 Squadron Patch. About five and a half inches tall. Thick Japanese machine embroidered. Unused.
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1970's US Marine Corps Air Control Squadron Four  Squadron Patch. About five inches tall. Okinawa machine embroidered. Unused.

Vietnam era MACV Advisors To Regional Forces Jungle shirt. Standard issue poplin third model shirt. All of the insignia is US made first pattern twill....
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Vietnam MACV Advisory Team 28 Pocket Patch. THai machine embroidered. Unused.
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MACV Presentation Plaque. Wooden shield with a easel back. Attached to the front is a bar with AG MACV engraved across it. Below that is a beercan MACV patch...
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Vietnam MACV Certificate Of Achievement To A Marine Corps Captain. About eight by ten inches. Printed on almost parchment paper. Filled out to Captain John P...
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