Vietnam Era (1957 - 1975)

US / ARVN / South Vietnamese Army 7th Division Advisory Radio Research Squadron Patch. Two piece. The 7th division patch is Vietnamese silk woven. The tab is...
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army 7th Division Patch. Vietnamese silk woven. Used.

ARVN / South Vietnamese Army 7th Montangnard Training Center Patch. Vietnamese printed construction. Unused.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Ranger 7th Brigade Group Headquarters Shoulder Loop. Vietnamese machine embroidered. Unused.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Ranger 7th Brigade Headquarters Shoulder Loop. Vietnamese machine embroidered. Unused.
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7th Special Forces Group Plastic Beret Flash. About an inch and a half in diameter. Multi-piece plastic construction. Unused.
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Vietnam 7th Squadron 17th Cavalry RUTHLESS RIDERS Pocket Patch. Vietnamese machine embroidered. Well used.
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Vietnam 7th Squadron 1st Cavalry BLACK HAWKS Pocket Patch. Vietnamese machine embroidered. Has that green sand bag type backing. Used.
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1950's-60's US Air Force 7th Tactical Fighter Squadron Patch. Almost four inches tall. Thick Japanese machine embroidered details. Unused.
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Vietnam 812th Signal Detachment Avionics Beercan DI. About an inch and a half tall. Pot metal background with painted details. Vietnamese made. Clutch back.
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ARVN/ South Vietnamese Army 81st Airborne Special Airborne Tab / Patch. Vietnamese machine embroidered. Unused.
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South Vietnamese Army Special Forces 81st Intelligence Group Patch. Vietnamese silk woven. Unused. The older collector whom we bought this from had put some...
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