Vietnam Era (1957 - 1975)

Vietnam 129th Assault Helicopter Company BITE AND STRIKE Variant Pocket Patch. Vietnamese machine embroidered. Variant with the Varsity Bulldog and a...
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Vietnam era US Air Force 12th Fighter Squadron Fatigue Shirt. Standard issue OG-107 shirt. On the right chest is a Japanese made, 12th Fighter Squadron...
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12th Infantry Regiment Beercan DI. Thin stamped metal background with painted details. Vietnamese made, clutchback.
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Thai Made USAF 12th Tactical Fighter Wing Senior Pilots Party Suit. Rip-stop jungle fatigue material. Has a standard fully embroidered 12th TFW patch on the...
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army 130th Quartermaster Directorate Patch. Vietnamese silk woven. Unused.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army 131st Airborne Quartermaster Directorate Patch. Vietnamese printed construction. Unused.
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Vietnam 134th Assault Helicopter Company DEMONS Pocket Patch. Vietnamese hand embroidered. Unused.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese 137th Regional Forces Battalion Recon Company Patch. Vietnamese printed construction. Unused.
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1960's 13th Artillery 24th Division Korea Patch. Slightly over three inches tall. Korean machine embroidered details. Removed from a scrapbook.
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Vietnam 13th Aviation Battalion SHIELD OF THE MEKONG Pocket Patch. Asian machine embroidered, maybe Korean. Oversized. Unused.
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Vietnam US Air Force 13th Bomb Squadron / 8th Bomb Squadron Plaque. Hand carved wooden plaque, about sixteen inches tall. Has the likeness of the 8th &...
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Vietnam US Air Force 13th Bomb Squadron Beercan DI. About an inch and a quarter tall.  Vietnamese made pot metal construction with hand painted...
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Vietnam US Air Force 13th Bomb Squadron DEVILS OWN GRIM-REAPERS Squadron Patch. About five inches tall. Japanese machine embroidered. Unused.
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Vietnam Era US Air Force 13th Bomb Squadron GRIM-REAPERS Squadron Patch. Two and a half inches tall. Japanese machine embroidered. Used.
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Vietnam Era US Air Force 13th Bomb Squadron GRIM-REAPERS Squadron Patch. Three and a half inches tall. Vietnamese hand embroidered. Unused.
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Vietnam US Air Force 13th Bomb Squadron Oscar The Skeleton Patch. Thai hand embroidered. The size for a scarf or boonie hat. Unused.
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Vietnam US Air Force 13th Bomb Squadron Tactical B-57 Squadron Patch. Thai hand embroidered. Well used with killer hand embroidered details.
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Vietnam 13th Bomb Squadron Patch. Thai hand embroidered. Supper high embroidery details. Used.
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Vietnam 13th Security Platoon Pocket Patch. Vietnamese hand embroidered. Well used. Neat variant.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army 140th Quartermaster Directorate Patch. Vietnamese silk woven. Unused.
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