Vietnam Era (1957 - 1975)

1964 US Navy USS Renville APA 227 Zippo LIghter. High polish finish body. Factory engraved is a ship with an Indian head above it. Has a dent on the back....
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1965 New York Governor's Honor Men Badge. About three and a half inches long. Brass background that is lsightly curved. Has enameled details on the face....
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Vietnam 1966 ARVN Joint General Staff Marksmanship Badge. About an inch and three quarters tall. Pot metal construction with painted details. Single clutch...
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Vietnam Era US Navy 1966-67 USS Enterprise CVAN-665 Far East Cruise Ace Novelty Back Flag Patch. About four inches tall. Fully Japanese machine...
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Vietnam 1969-70 Vietnam Service Patch. Vietnamese hand embroidered. Boonie hat size. Used.
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VietnamĀ 197th Armored Helicopter / 68th UTT Pocket Patch. Vietnamese hand embroidered. Uniform removed.
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Vietnam 197th Assault Helicopter Company Maintenance Team Pocket Patch. Vietnamese hand embroidered. Unused.
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Vietnam 197th Aviation Maintenance Team WE FIX BROKE HELICOPTERS Pocket Patch. Vietnamese hand embroidered. Unused.
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197th Field Artillery Beercan DI. Thin stamped metal background with painted details. Looks like it was used on a plaque as there are no backings.
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Vietnam 198th Infantry Brigade BLACK DEATH Pocket Patch. Vietnamese machine embroidered. Unused.
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Vietnam 199th Infantry Brigade Beercan DI. Pot metal background with painted details. Vietnamese made. Clutch back.
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Vietnam Era US Army M-1951 jacket patched to the 199th Light Infantry Brigade and USARV . Sewn on the sleeves are 1st pattern subdued on twill patches. The...
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Vietnam US Air ForceĀ 19th Air Commando Squadron Patch. Vietnamese quilted hand embroidered. Uniform removed.
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Vietnam Era 19th Criminal Investigation Detachment SPOOK Brass Mug. Korean made, short brass muc. Has a fish body as a handle. On one side is a Korean made...
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Vietnam US Air Force 19th Special Operations Squadron Patch. Vietnamese machine embroidered. Unused.
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Vietnam US Air Force 19th TASS Snoopy SLEEPY TIME Squadron Patch. Vietnamese machine embroidered. Not the prettiest of Vietnamese made patches. Unused.
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Vietnam 1st Administrative Company Beercan DI. Pot metal construction. Painted details. Vietnamese made. Clutch back.
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Vietnam 1st Air Cavalry Division First Team Medal Document Folder. Black vinyl like covered cardboard folder. Has likeness of the 1st Cavalry division patch...
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US Air Force 1st Air Commando Squadron Beercan DI. Painted details. Vietnamese made. Clutchback.
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Vietnam Made US Air Force 1st Air Commando Ball Cap. Standard multi-piece construction Vietnamese ball cao in od twill. Sewn to the rightmb set of US &...
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1st Aviation Brigade Patch Type Beercan DI. This stamped metal background. Painted details. Vietnamese made, clutchback.
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1st Aviation Brigade Beercan DI. Thin metal background with painted details. Clutchback.
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Vietnam 1st Aviation Brigade Patch. Vietnamese machine embroidered. Uniform removed.
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Vietnam 1st Aviation Brigade Patch. Vietnamese hand embroidered. Still sealed in plastic as it was a pocket hanger, but tab is missing.
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Vietnam 1st Aviation Brigade Patch. Japanese machine embroidered. Uniform removed.
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Vietnam 1st Aviation Brigade Patch. Vietnamese hand embroidered. Uniform removed.
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Vietnam 1st Aviation Brigade Patch. Vietnamese machine embroidered. Unused.
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Vietnam 1st Aviation Brigade Patch. Vietnamese hand embroidered. Uniform removed.
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Vietnam 1st Aviation Brigade Patch. GErman machine embroidered. Uniform removed.
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Vietnam 1st Aviation Brigade Patch. Vietnamese hand embroidered. The detail is amazing and the scan does not do this patch justice. Unused.

Vietnam 1st Aviation Brigade Pocket Hanger. Vietnamese machine embroidered patch. Sealed in plastic with a leatherette type hanger. Unused.
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1st Aviation Brigade Pocket Hanger Patch. Vietnamese machine embroidered. Unused.
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Vietnam 1st Aviation Brigade REMINGTON RAIDERS Pocket Patch. Vietnamese hand embroidered. Unused.
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1st Aviation Custom Tailored ERDL Shirt. Okay this one is cool, it is made out of lime green erdl and brown dom erdl. The two lower pockets have been removed...
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1950's- 1960's 1st Battalion 10th Infantry Regiment Pocket Patch. Machine embroidered on twill. Unused.
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Vietnam 1st Battalion 15th Infantry Mechanized BANDIDO CHARLIE Pocket Patch. Vietnamese machine embroidered. Unused.
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Vietnam 1st Battalion 502nd Infantry Strike Recon Scroll. Vietnamese machine embroidered. Unused. Tough scroll to find.
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Vietnam 1st Battalion 502nd Infantry Strike Recon Scroll. Vietnamese machine embroidered. Uniform removed.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army 1st Battalion 56th Infantry Regiment Patch. Vietnamese printed construction. Unused.
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1960's 1st Battery 116th Artillery Officers Collar Device. About an inch and a half long. No hallmarks. Clutch back.
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1950's-1960's 1st Brigade 101st Airborne Oval. Machine embroidered on twill. Unused.
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Vietnam 1st Brigade 1st Cavalry Parachute Oval.Vietnamese machine embroidered. Unused.
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Vietnam 1st Brigade 4th Division Civil Affairs Team Pocket Patch. Vietnamese machine embroidered. Unused.
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Vietnam Made 1st Brigade Aviation Platoon 101st Airborne Pocket Patch. Vietnamese machine embroidered. Would definately not win the most attractive VN made...
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Vietnam 1st Cavalry Division Band Patch. Vietnamese machine embroidered. Unused.
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Vietnam 1st Cavalry Division Customized Patch. Stnadrd fully embroidered patch. Across the bend in Japanese machine embroidery isĀ  13 FEB 70 ETS. This was...
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1961Ā 1st Cavalry Division Marksman Theatre Made Back Patch. NIne and a half inches tall. Coarse Korean machine embroidered. Unused.
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1st Cavalry Division Metal Pokcet Hanger. Stamped pot metal construction with enamelled details. Korean made.
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1960's 1st Cavalry Division MP ASA Spook Presentation Brass Plaque. About nine inches in diameter. Has a Korean made 1st Cav di, a set of crossed pistols and...
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VietnamĀ 1st Cavalry Division Recon Element Patch. Vietnamese machine embroidered. Unused.
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Vietnam 1st Cavalry RegimentĀ  Beercan DI. About an inch and a quarter tall. Vietnamese made. Pot metal with painted details. Clutch back.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese 1st Company 218th Regional Forces Battalion Patch. Vietnamese printed construction. Unused.
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Vietnamese Made 1st Corps US Marine Security Detachment Armband. Red linen like cotton background with incredible Vietnamese hand emrboidered details. Very...
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Special Forces 1st Corps Mike Force Patch. Vietnamese machine embroidered. Unused.

1st Division Aviation Beercan DI. Thin metal background with painted details. Clutchback.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army 1st Division Strike Company Patch. Vietnamese printed construction. Unused.
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Vietnam era 1st Field Force Jungle Shirt. Standard issue poplin third model shirt. All of the insignia is Viet Made. Labelled size medium-regular. Has...
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1st Field Force Vietnam Patch. Thai machine embroidered. Unused.
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Vietnam US Marine CorpsĀ 1st FSR Fleet Logisitics Command Vietnam Beercan Presentation Plaque. Almost nine inches tall. Laquered wood plaque. Has enameled and...
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US Marine Corps 1st Hospital Company Chu Lai Vietnam 1966-67 Patch. Three and a half inches tall. Thick Japanese machine embroidered. Unused.
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1st Infantry Division Cedar Falls Photo. Black and white image. About five by seven and a half inches. Shows a group of BRO soldiers standing around a...
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1st Infantry Division Cedar Falls Tunnel Rat Photo. Black and white image. About five by seven and a half inches. Shows a BRO soldier coming out of a...
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Vietnam 1st Infantry Division Beercan DI. About an inch and a quarter tall.Pot metal with painted details. Vietnamese made. Clutch Back.
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1st Infantry Division Cedar Falls Mine Detector Photo. Black and white image. About five by seven and a half inches. Shows a BRO soldier using a mine...
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1st Infantry Regiment Beercan DI. Thin stamped metal background with painted details. Vietnamese made, clutchback.
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Vietnam Era US Marine Corps 1st LAAM / Light Antiaircraft Missile Battalion Back Patch. About eight and a half inches in diameter. Japanese machine...
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1960's US Army 1st LT / Lieutenant Officers Collar rank Patch. White machine embroidered details, on a od twill like background. Unused.
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US Marine Corps 1st LAAM Battalion Back Patch. Nine inches in diameter. Japanese machine embroidered. Unused.
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1st Logistical Command Patch. Vietnamese machine embroidered. Used.
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Vietnam US Army Officers 1st Logistical Command Fatigue Shirt. Standard issue OG-107 shirt. The insignia and name is directly embroidered onto the uniform....
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army 1st Logistical Command Patch. Vietnamese printed construction. Unused.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army 1st Logistical Command Patch. Vietnamese machine embroidered. Uniform removed.
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VietnamĀ 1st Logistical Command Safe Drivers Certificate. About eight by ten inches. Filled out to a HOWARD B SHAFFER for 5,000 accident free miles. Dated 6...
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Vietnam Era 1st Marine Air Wing Japanese Made Wool Ball Cap. Multi-piece construction. Directly embroidered in the front isĀ  1ST MARINE AIR WING with the...
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Vietnam Era US Marine Corps 1st Marine Air Wing March 71 - June 71 Squadron Patch. Thai hand embroidered. Unused.
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Vietnam Era US Marine Corps 1st Marine Air Wing Patch. Japanese machine embroidered. Unused, but removed from a scrapbook.
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Vietnam 1st Marine Division End Of Tour Plaque. Wooden shield about one foot tall. Has a multi-piece plexiglass 1st Marine Division patch and VIET NAM...
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1st Medical Battalion Beercan DI. Thin stamped metal background with painted details. Looks like it was used on a plaque as there are no backings.
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Vietnam Era Army first pattern exposed button jungle trousers. Trousers are in good condition with minor wear from use and the only flaw is a small hole at...
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Vietnam 1st Montangnard Company Drago Badge. About an inch and three quarters tall. Enameled details. DRAGO PARIS hallmark. Pin back.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army 1st Morturary Directorate Patch. Vietnamese silk woven. Unused
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Indochina Period French 1st Naval Assault Division Badge. About an inch and a half tall. Enameled details. DRAGO hallmark. Pin back.
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Vietnam 1st Platoon 192nd Aviation Company Pocket Patch. Vietnamese machine embroidered. Unused.
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Vn Era 1st Platoon 502nd Infantry WIDOW MAKERS Pocket Patch. Thai machine embroidered. Unused.
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Vietnam US Marine Corps 1st Recon H&S Company Beercan DI. About an inch and three quarters wide.  Vietnamese made pot metal construction with hand...
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1st Service & Transportation Battalion Beercan DI. Thin stamped metal background with painted details. Vietnamese made, clutchback.
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1st Service & Transportation Battalion Beercan DI. This stamped metal background. Painted details. Vietnamese made, clutchback.
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Vietnam 1st Signal BrigadeĀ  Beercan DI. Pot metal background with painted details. Vietnamese made. Clutch back.
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Vietnam 1st Signal Brigade Patch. Vietnamese hand embroidered with velvet panels. Unused.
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US Air Force 1st Special Operations squadron Snoopy Party Shirt. Blue short sleeve shirt. On the left pocket is the Super Ducks emblem, directly embroidered....
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Vietnam 1st Squadron 17th Cavalry Parachute Oval. Vietnamese hand embroidered. Unused.
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Vietnam 1st Squadron 1st Cavalry Japanese Made Pocket Patch. Japanese machine embroidered. Uniform removed.
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VietnamĀ 1st Squadron 4th Cavalry Certificate Of Appreciation. About eight by ten inches. Printed on a type of cardstock. Named to a CW2 KENNETH F SPONGBERG...
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Vietnam 1st Squadron 7th Cavalry COMANCHE FLYING CIRCUS Pocket Patch. Thai machine embroidered. Unused.
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Early 1st Pattern ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Airborne Patch. Vietnamese hand embroidered on a wool like background. You can see where the French style pin...
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Rare 1st Style South Vietnamese Special Forces Pocket Badge. About a inch and a half tall. Stamped silver colored metal. Has the proper pinback, not the...
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