Vietnam Era (1957 - 1975)

Vietnam Training Relations Indo-China Mission / TRIM Patch. Thick chain stitching on a twill background. This is considered the very first patch worn by...
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1950's TRaining Relations Indochina Mission / TRIM Patch. Odd variant. Not the usual chain stitched variant you see.  Plus it is slightly different in...
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Wolfe-Brown South Vietnamese Training Service Medal. 70's-80's US made version of the ARVN medal so that US servicemen who were authorized it could get...
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1960's US Navy VT-21 Squadron Patch. Six inches tall. Machine embroidered on twill. Unused.
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Vietnam Era US Navy VT-5 Squadron Patch. Five inches tall. Japanese machine embroidered. Unused.
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South Vietnamese Army Transportation Corps Beercan DI. Thin stamped aluminum with hand painted details. Pinback.
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South Vietnamese Army Transportation  Qualification Badge. A little over a inch tall. Plated pot metal finish. Vietnamese made. Clutchback.
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South Vietnamese Army Transportation School Patch. Vietnamese silk woven. Unused.
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1960's - 1970's US Navy Training Squadron 27 BOOMERS Squadron Patch. Five icnhes tall. Thick Asian machine embroidered. Not sure where its made but it has a...
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Vietnam era Trench Art Ash Tray for the 776 th Tactical Airlift Squadron. Ash tray is made from a 155mm artillery shell. The tray has the medical...
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Early ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Tri-Dung Military School Badge / DI. About an inch and a quarter tall. Two piece construction. Painted details. Vietnamese...
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Tri-Service Air Transport Company Beercan DI. This is number three of only four made. Standard beercan construction. Has a slider on the back instead of...
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