Cloth Insignia - Other Countries

Vietnam Era Laotian Army Airborne Jump Wing. About three inches wide. Machin embroidered on twill. Unused.
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Vietnam Era Laotian Army Airborne Jump Wing. About three inches wide. Machine embroidered on twill. Different variant in that the trident is gold instead of...
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Vietnam MEDTC / Military Equipment Delivery Team Cambodia Patch. Cambodian machine embroidered. Variation I have only seen a couple of times before....
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Vietnam Era MEDTC / Military Equipment Delivery Team Cambodia Shoulder Patch. Cambodian machine embroidered on multi-pieces of felt. Uniform removed.
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Early Vietnam French Military Mission To Vietnamese Government Patch. Wool background with heavy gold bullion details. On the reverse is a French style pin...
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Vietnam Era New Old Stock Thai Ranger Qualification Patch. Thai hand embroidered on a silk like background. Still sealed in the original tailor shops...
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Early 1960's Philippine Air Force Para-Medical Airborne Jump Wing Set. Each wing is about three inches long. Pot metal constrcution with plated finish and...
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1950's-1960's Philippine Flag Flight Jacket Patch. Thick Japanese machine embroidered. Unused. Would look great on a G-1.
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Vietnam Era Taiwan / Republic Of China Airborne Jump Wing Patch. Taiwanese machine embroidered. Unused.
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Vietnam ROC / Taiwan Army Basic Jump Wing Patch. Vietnamese hand embroidered. You will see these on some Special Forces jungle shirts. Unused.
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Vietnam Era ROC / Taiwan UDT Frog Man Patch. Three inches tall. Taiwanese machine embroidered. Unused.
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Vietnam Era South Korean 1st Army Patch. Old style Korean machine embroidered. Used.
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