Cloth Insignia - ARVN - Army

ARVN / South Vietnamese Army 9th Division Patch. Vietnamese printed construction. Unused.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army 9th Infantry Regiment Recon Company Patch. Vietnamese printed construction. Unused.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army 9th Infantry Regiment Recon Company Patch. Vietnamese printed construction. Unused.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Adjutant General & Finance Center Directorate Patch. Vietnamese printed construction. Unused.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Administrative & Finance Patch. Vietnamese printed construction. Unused.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Administrative & Finance School Patch. Vietnamese printed construction. Unused.
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Vietnam Advisory Team 86 Pocket Patch. Vietnamese hand embroidered. Used.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Airborne Quartermaster Directorate Patch. Vietnamese printed construction. Unused.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Anti-Aircraft Artillery Patch. Vietnamese silk woven. Don't believe there has ever been an exact unit ID to this one. Unused.
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South Vietnamese Army Armed Forces Junior Academy Patch. Vietnamese silk woven. Unused.
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South Vietnamese Army Armor Beret Insignia Group.Nine pieces total. Has all the basic war time bullion on velvet insignia, including the Armor Generals...
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Division Training Strip / Patch. Vietnamese printed on a twill like background. Soiled and uniform removed.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Hao Name Tag. Vietnamese hand embroidered on a white twill background. Unused.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Hung Name Tag. Vietnamese hand embroidered on a white twill background. Unused.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Khuong Name Tag. Vietnamese hand embroidered on a white twill background. Unused.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Kim Name Tag. Vietnamese hand embroidered on a white twill background. Unused.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Lap Name Tag. Vietnamese hand embroidered on a white twill background. Unused.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Nhuc Name Tag. Vietnamese hand embroidered on a white twill background. Unused.
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South Vietnamese Army Private First Class Chevron. Vietnamese printed construction. Unused.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Tan Name Tag. Vietnamese hand embroidered on a white twill background. Unused.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Thai Name Tag. Vietnamese hand embroidered on a white twill background. Unused.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Thoi Name Tag. Vietnamese hand embroidered on a white twill background. Unused.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Training Centre Patch. Vietnamese printed construction. Unused.
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South Vietnamese Army Reanger Generals Collar Rank. The background is BDQ camo pattern and there are five whute stars. Vietnamese machine embroidered....
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Uniform & Insignia Reference Book With English Translation. Softbound. About 80 pages. Printed in Hong Kong and is a copy of the...
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Bhuddists Chaplain School Patch. Vietnamese printed construction. Unused.
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South Vietnamese Chieu Hoi / Sea Swallows Patch. Vietnamese printed on cotton. Unused. Have never seen a exact id as per which of the two units it is, but I...
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South Vietnamese Chieu Hoi Program Patch. Slightly larger then normal, at about three and a half inches. Vietnamese printed construction. Unused.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Chieu-Hoi Program Patch. Vietnamese printed construction. Unused.
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1950's-1960's ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Civil Guard Corporal 1st Class Pin On Chevron. Silver & gold  foil like material that is then sewn to a thick...
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army 1950's Civil Guard Sergeant Bullion Chevron. A little over two and a half  inches wide. Silver bullion like details on a green...
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army 1950's Civil Guard Sergeant First Class Bullion Chevron. A little over two and a half  inches wide. Silver bullion like details...
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Command & General Staff School. Vietnamese printed construction. Unused but was attached to a frame at one time.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Command And General Staff School Patch. Vietnamese printed construction. Unused
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Commissary School Patch. Vietnamese printed construction. Unused.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army 1950's Corporal Bullion Chevron. A little over two inches wide. Gold bullion like details on a maroon wool background. Plastic...
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Corporal Rank Patch. Vietnamese printed construction. Unused.
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1950's-1960's ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Corporal Pin On Chevron. Two gold foil like stripes that are sewn to a thick twill / wool background. On the back...
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army 1950's Corporal Snap On Early Chevron. Small size, about a inh tall by two inches wide. Braid chevron sewn on leather with a...
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Vietnam CSD NUNG Security Guards MACV Compound Pocket Patch. Super high quality Vietnamese hand embroidered. Has a stiff burlap backing with a French style...
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Dalat Military Academy Beret Badge. Red velvet background with Vietnamese hand embroidered details. Very tough to find patch....
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Dalat National Military Academy Bullion Beret Badge. Red velvet background with silver bullion embroidered details. Out of Clem...
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Diem Period 2nd Corps Patch. Vietnamese silk woven. Unused.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Early Transportation Unit Patch. Vietnamese printed construction. Unused.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Engineer Directorate Patch. Vietnamese printed construction. Unused.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Engineer School Patch. Vietnamese printed construction. Unused.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army EOD / Explosive Ordnance Disposal Qualification Patch. Vietnamese silk woven. Unused.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Four Star General Rank Patch. Vietnamese machine embroidered on twill. Unused.
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South Vietnamese Army / ARVN 2nd / II Corps Patch. Vietnamese machine embroidered with velvet details. Unused.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Infantry Recon Pocket Patch ( for the life of me can't remember the unit number). Vietnamese printed construction. Unused.
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South Vietnamese Army Infantry Regiment Patch. Vietnamese printed on cotton. Unused. I can't remember which Infantry unit it is, but written on the reverse...
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Information Agency Patch. Vietnamese printed construction. Unused.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army IV Corps Patch. Vietnamese printed construction. Unused.
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South Vietnamese Army Joint General Staff Patch. Vietnamese printed construction. Unused. First time we have seen a subdued printed variant.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Joint General Staff Patch. Vietnamese silk woven. Unused.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Joint General Staff Patch. Vietnamese silk woven. Uniform removed.
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South Vietnamese Army / ARVN Joint General Staff Signal Patch. Vietnamese printed construction. Unused.
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South Vietnamese Kit Carson Scout Tab / Patch. Vietnamese machine embroidered. Uniform removed.
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Vietnam Kit Carson Scout Tri Ton Patch. STandard fully embroidered, cut edge MACV patch. Machine stitched into it is KCS TRI TON. UNused.
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Vietnam Kit Carson Scouts Scroll. Vietnamese hand embroidered. Uniform removed.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Lam Son Training Center Patch. Vietnamese printed construction. Unused.
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South Vietnamese Army Language School Patch. Vietnamese printed construction. Unused.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Lon Son Training Center Patch. Vietnamese printed construction. Unused.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Major General Rank Patch. Vietnamese machine embroidered on a twill like background. Unused.
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Vietnam Martha Rayes ARVN 25th Division Pocket Hanger. Vietnamese printed patch that is sealed in a plastic and leatherette like hanger. Shows use.
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Vietnam Martha Raye's ARVN Military Police Pocket Hanger. Vietnamese silk woven construction. Sealed in a plastic hanger with a leatherette type hanger....
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Martial Arts / Close Combat School Patch. Vietnamese printed construction. Unused
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Medical Directorate Patch. Vietnamese printed construction. Unused.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Military Intelligence School Patch. Vietnamese printed construction. Unused.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Military Medical School Bullion Beret Badge. Red velvet background with gold bullion embroidered details. Unused. Out of Clem...
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Early Vietnam French Military Mission To Vietnamese Government Patch. Wool background with heavy gold bullion details. On the reverse is a French style pin...
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South Vietnamese Army Military Police Patch. Vietnamese silk woven. Unused.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Military Police Patch. Two inches tall. Vietnamese hand embroidered. Also worn by USAF police. Uniform removed.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Military Region 2 Patch. Vietnamese printed construction. Unused.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Military Region 2 Sector 10 Patch. Vietnamese silk woven. Unused.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Military Region 2 Sector 7 Kontum Patch. Vietnamese silk woven. Unused.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Military Region 3 15th Sector Saigon Patch. Vietnamese printed construction. Unused.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Military Region 3 Section 15 Saigon  Patch. Vietnamese printed construction. Unused.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Military Region 3 Sector 14 Patch. Vietnamese hand embroidered. Unused.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Military Region 4 Sector 2 An Xuyen Patch. Vietnamese printed construction. Unused.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army NCO School Patch. Vietnamese printed construction. Unused.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Nung Security Platoon Patch. Vietnamese printed construction. Unused.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Nurse School Patch. Vietnamese printed construction. Unused.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Nurse School Patch. Vietnamese silk woven. Unused.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Nurse's Training Center Saigon Patch. Vietnamese silk woven. Used.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Ordnance Qualification Patch. Vietnamese silk woven. Used.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Phu Cat Tab / Patch. Vietnamese machine embroidered. Unused.
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South Vietnamese Political People's Friendship Unify & Honesty Patch. Vietnamese silk woven. Used.
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South Vietnamese Political Warfare Unit Patch. Vietnamese printed. Unused.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Political Warfare Unit Patch. Vietnamese printed construction. Unused.
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South Vietnamese Army Procurement Directorate Patch. Vietnamese silk woven. Unused.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Psychological Warfare School Patch. Vietnamese printed construction. Unused.
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South Vietnamese Army Psycholigical Warfare School Patch. Printed on cotton. Unused.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Pyshcological Warfare Tu Duc Patch. Vietnamese printed construction. Unused.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Quartermaster School Directorate Patch. Vietnamese silk woven. Unused.
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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Ranger / Biet Dong Quan Patch. Vietnamese printed construction. Unused but was attached to a frame at one time.
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