Cloth Insignia - Army Infantry, Medical, Novelty, Etc. Pocket Patches

Vietnam MAAG Laos Patch. Vietnamese hand embroidered. Unused.
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Vietnam Era MAAG Laos Staff Pocket Patch. Thick Japanese (?) machine embroidered. Unused.
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Vietnam MACV Advisory Team 28 Pocket Patch. THai machine embroidered. Unused.
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Vietnam MACV Novelty Middle Finger Patch. Vietnamese hand embroidered. Unused.
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Vietnam MACV Recondo Pocket Patch. Vietnamese hand / machine embroidered. Unused.
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Vietnam Era MACV Recondo School Qualification Pocket Patch. Vietnamese machine embroidered. Unusual red machine embroidered details. Unused.
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Vietnam MACV Special Security Group (NUNGS) Pocket Patch. Vietnamese hand embroidered. Unused.
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Vietnam Make Love Novelty Patch. About two inches wide. Thai machine embroidered. Unused.
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Vietnam Marijuana Novelty Patch. Vietnamese machine embroidered. Unused.
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Vietnam Martha Raye's 362nd Communications Pocket Patch. Vietnamese hand embroidered. Used.
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Vietnam Martha Raye's 3rd Surgical Hospital Pocket Hanger Patch. Vietnamese machine embroidered. Sewn between two pieces of plastic and has a leatherette...
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Vietnam Martha Raye's 90th Replacement Battalion Pocket Patch. Vietnamese hand embroidered. Unused.
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Vietnam Mickey Mouse Head Novelty Patch. Vietnamese hand embroidered. Well used.
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Vietnam Mickey Mouse Head Novelty Pocket Patch. Vietnamese hand embroidered. Well used.
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Vietnam Military Advisory Team / MAT-86 Patch. Vietnamese hand embroidered. Uniform removed.
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Vietnam MATS / Military Advisory Team 21 Pocket Patch. Vietnamese machine embroidered. Unused.
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Vietnam Military Advisory Team 91 Pocket Hanger. The patch is Vietnamese silk woven and is then sealed in a plastic pocket hanger. Shows very light use.
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Military Advisory Team Nhon Trach Sub Sector Pocket Patch. Japanese machine embroidered. Unused.
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Vietnamese Made US Military Assistance Command Thailand Patch. Three and a half inches tall. Vietnamese hand embroidered. Unused.
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Vietnam Newport Security Force Patch. Vietnamese hand embroidered. Uniform removed.
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Vietnam Novelty Flags Boonie Hat Patch. Vietnamese machine embroidered. Unused.
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Vietnam Participant South East Asia War Games Vietnam / Cambodia 1970's-71 Back Patch. Aboutten inches in diameter. Vietnamese machine embroidered. Used.
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Vietnam Participant Southeast Asian War Games Skull Patch. Thai machine embroidered. Unused.
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Vietnam Participant Vietnam War Games 1970 Patch. Vietnamese machine embroidered. Unused.
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