Sweetheart & Patriotic Jewelry

WWII Three Star Son In Service Eagle Patriotic/ Sweetheart 14K Pin. About an inch tall. Two piece. Real high quality enamel details. Is marked 14CC on...
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WWII Three Star Son In Service Pin. Gold colored metal heart with enamelled details. Pinback. Sterling marked.
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WWII Three Star Son In Service Patriotic / Sweetheart Pin. Silver body with super deep enameled details. The stars are almost three dimensional the way they...
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WWII Three Star Son In Service Pin. About three quarters of a inch long. Enameled details. Pinback.
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WWII US Army Three Star Son In Service Pin. Two Piece. Enamelled son in service flag that is then chained to a Army type eagle. Both are pinback.
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WWII New Old Stock Two Star Son In Service Flag Pin. Silver background with blue and red enamelled details. Pinback. Still attached to it's original makers...
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WWII Universal Pictures Executive Hollywood Canteen Bracelet. Almost seven inches long. Plated finish. Engraved on the face is  UNIVERSAL PICTURES  WILBUR...
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WWII US Forces In England Sweetheart / Patriotic Pin. Two piece. Silver background with enameled details. STERLING marked. Pin back.
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WWII - 1950's US Navy Class Type Ring . Silver body with a mother of pearl face. Affixed to the face is a gold colored USN emblem. There are patriotic eagles...
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WWII US Navy Line Ensign Officers Two Piece Sweetheart Pin.There is a enamlled mini Ensign's shoulder board that is chained to a mini Officer's cap...
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WWII US Navy Sweetheart Pin. Heavy silver background. Pinback. Stamped STERLING.
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WWII US Navy Sweetheart Pin. Two Piece. Marked STERLING. Pinback..
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