
WWII Betty Jean B-24 Nose Art Photo. About two and a half by four inches. Has pilots names on reverse.
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WWII AAF B-29(?) The Big Gass Bird  Nose Art Photo. Three and a half by four and a half inches. Black and white.  Great shape.
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WWII Black Jack B-24 Nose Art Photo. About two and a half by three and a half inches. Has names written on border.
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WWII BLACK JACK II B-24 Nose Art Photo. Almost three by five inches. Black and white image. Has a name written on border.
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WWII Bottoms Up B-24 Nose Art Photo. About four by five inches. Black and white image.
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WWII Bubble Trouble B-24 Nose Art Photo. Black and white image. Almost four by five and a half inches. Has a small chip in left edge.
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WWII Bugs Bunny 34 B-24 Nose Art Photo. Black and white photo. About three and a half by four and a half inches. Pilot's names written on reverse.
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WWII Army Air Forces Bugs Bunny Nose Art Photo. About three by four inches. Black and white image. Shows Bugs Bunny running with bombs in his hand and says...
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Photo of a burning bomber target in the distance. The photo is clean with no damage. The photo is 4" high by 5" wide. 
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WWII CBI Stillwell Road Photo. About three and a quarter by four and three quarters inches. Black and white image. Shows a painted wooden sign with...
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WWII Cherokee B-24 Nose Art Photo. About three and a quarter by five inches.
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WWII Cherokee Margie B-24 Nose Art Photo. About four by five inches. Black and white image. Great iamge showing all the bomb missions. Has crew info written...
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WWII Chinese American AAF Aircrewman Photo. Black and white. About three by five inches. Shows him wearing an A-2 flight jacket with his wings pinned to it....
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WWII US Marine In Jungle Photo. About four by six inches. Great colorized image of a Marine wearing shorts, hbt cap and boondockers in front of some coconut...
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WWII AAF Cover Girl Nose Art B-24 Photo. About three and a quarter by four and a quarter inches. Written around edges is ROD STEWART MY BABY GOOD LUCK.
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WWII Wrecked German Bomber  Photo. Black and white. Three and a half by four and a half inches. Shows the side of a German plane that is full of bullet...
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WWII Darling Darlene B-24 Nose Art Photo. About three by three and a half inches. Has DOC SAVAGE written in ink on the border.
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Early Flying Wing Plane Press Photo. Black and white. Approx. 8x10. Features the original caption on the back detailing the plane and its features. Shows...
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WWII President Roosevelt Decorating Gen Mark Clark Photo. Black and white. Three and a half by four and a half inches. Shows the President pinning a medal...
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WWII Fertile Myrtle B-24 Nose Art Photo. About four by four and a half inches. Black and white image.
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WWII AAF Flying Dutchman Nose Art B-24 Photo. About three and a half by five inches. Has the name AL SOLOMON written in ink.
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WWII Flying Tail ? B-24 Nose Art Photo. About three and a half by four and a half inches. Black and white.
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Flying Wing Cross Country Flight Pilot Robert L. Cardenas Photo. Black and white image. 9x5 inches. Has the original press release description on the back....
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Flying Wing Front View Press Release Photo  Black and white image. About 9x5 inches. Press release info on the reverse. Shows minor storage wear.
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