
WWII The Pontiac SquawĀ  B-24 Nose Art Photo. About three and a half by four inches. Black and white.Has pilots name written on the reverse.
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WWII The Pontiac Squaw B-24 Nose Art Photo. About four by almost five inches.
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WWII US Navy Three Pilots Photo. Eight by ten inches. Black and white. Shows three pilots in flight gear looking at one of their log books.
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WWII Tiger Face B-24 Nose Art Photo. About three by five inches. Great image.
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WWII Toggle Annie B-24 Nose Art Photo. About three by five inches. Black and white image. Great image showing bomb missions. Has pilots name on reverse.
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WWII Toggle Annie B-24 Nose Art Photo. Black and white image. Almost four by five and a half inches. Has a couple of names written on the back.
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WWII AAF Toggle Annie Nose Art B-24 Photo. About three and a half by five inches. One the reverse is written AL SOLOMON.
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WWII True Love B-24 Nose Art Photo. About three and a quarter by four and a half inches. Black and white.
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WWII 11th Airborne Two Paratroopers Studio Portrait. About four by five and a half inches. Shows two guys wearing wool uniforms and wearing jump wings.
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WWII US Navy PIlot Wearing DFC Photo. Aboput six by eight inches. Black and white. Studio shot. On the back is written  W.M. Fowler 1944.
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WWII AAF What's Cookin B-24 Nose Art Photo. Black and white image. Three by four inches. HasĀ  GETTING HOMESICK ? written on edge.
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WWII WHAT'S COOKIN' B-24 Nose Art Photo. About four by five inches. Black and white image.
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