
WWII 13th Army Air Force Red Cross Canteen Jeep Photo. About two and a quarter by three inches. Black and white image. Shows a jeep with a GI sitting on the...
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WWII US Marine Corps San Diego 16th Platoon 1943 Group Photo. Black and white. Eight by ten inches. Has a shot of everyone in training unit wearing service...
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1946 Flying Flapjack Press Photo. Black and white. 9x5 inches with the original description super rare plane design. Shows minor storage wear.
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1947 Flying Wing Front Press Photo. Black and white image. About 9x5 inches. Has press release info glued to the reverse. Shows minor storage wear. Great...
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1947 YB-49 Original Press Photo. Black and white image. About  9x5 inches. Has press release info on reverse. Shows minor storage wear.
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WWII E Company 1st Filippino Battalion Unit Pano Photo. About ten by twenty-two inches. Framed. Black and white image. Shows the unit posing in front of...
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Photograph of a B-24 bomber in Italy in 1944 named "Salvo Sally". The bomber is part of the 826th Bombardment Squadron. The photo is very clean with no...
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WWII 8th Air Force Colorized Photo. About eight by ten inches. Shows two Hispanic enlistedmen with 8th AAF patch on shoulder.
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WWII Army Air Forces Motorcycle Photo. About two by three inches. Black and white. Shows a full blown war motorcycle with two AAF men sitting on it. In ink...
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WWII Abroad Abroad  B-24 Nose Art Photo. About three and three quarter by almost five nches. Has info on the two crew members written on the reverse.
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WWII Army Air Cadet & Wife Colorized Portrait. About eight by ten inches. Great studio image from the waist up. Killer uniform details.
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WWII Cushman Airborne Scooter Photo. Black and white. About two by three inches. Shows two GI's standing next to the scooter. Coll image.
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Photo of aircraft wreckage. The photo is clean with no damage. The photo is 2.25" high by 3.25" wide. 
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WWII US Navy Aircrewman Standing Next To Corsair Photo. Black and white. About five by seven inches. The guy is wearing navy dungarees and you can see the...
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WWII Anti-Aircraft Comannd Central Portrait. About eight by ten inches. Colorized image. Shows the soldier from the chest up.
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WWII Armor NCO Photo. Postcard sized. Black and white. Shows the SSGT in wool uniform with shoulder patch visible but hard to make out di's.
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WWII Army Camerman In Field Photo. Black and white. Three and a half by four and a half inches. Shows him and his movie camera in the mud in front of a...
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B-24 "Ol-Bird" nose art photo. The photo is clean with no hole or tears. It measures 3.75" high by 4.75" wide. The back of the photo has the names of some of...
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WWII B-24 68 In Flight Photo. About four by five inches. Shows the bomber in flight above the clouds. Has the name BRINK written in pencil on reverse.
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Photo of the B-24 Bomber "Noveta Maria" Pin-up art that was part of the 484th Bombardment Group. The photo is clean with no holes or tears. It measures 4,5"...
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Photo of the B-24 Bomber "Stew Bum" part of the 484th Bombardment Group. The photo is clean with no holes or tears. It measures 4.75" high by 3.25" wide. On...
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Photo of the B-24 Bomber "Tailenders" part of the 484th Bombardment Group. The photo is clean with no holes or tears. It measures 4" by 4.75" wide. On the...
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B-24 Bomber 484th Bomb Group with Bomb Missions Painted Photo.  Black and white. Measures approx. from 2 1/2 by 3 3/4 inches. Rough/scalloped edge. The photo...
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Photo inside of a cockpit of a B-24 with pilot and copilot. Super clear image.  The photo is clean with no damage. The photo is 5" high by 3.75" wide. 
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B-24 Bomber Collection Photo of Captured Heinkel HE 111.    Black and white. Measures approx. from 2 1/2 by 3 3/4 inches. With rough/scalloped edge. Shows a...
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B-24 Bomber Collection Photo of Downed Russian Yak-1.  Black and white. Measures approx. from 2 1/2 by 3 3/4 inches. The photo shows a downed Russian Yak-1...
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Photo of a B-24 Bomber crewman on the wing of the aircraft.  The photo is clean with no damage. The photo is 3.25" high by 4.5." wide.
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Photo of a B-24 Bomber crewman in front of aircraft.  The photo is clean with no damage. The photo is 2.75" high by 4." wide. 
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Photo of a B-24 Bomber crewmen in front of aircraft.  The photo is clean with no damage. The photo is 4.5" high by 3.25." wide.
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Photo of a B-24 bomber that's name cannot be made out in the photo. The photo is clean with no damage. The photo is 3.25" high by 4.5" wide. On the back of...
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Photo of a B-24 bomber with a large "29" painted on it. The photo has some very minor staining with no damage. The photo is 2" high by 2.75" wide. 
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Photo of a B-24 bomber with a large "50" painted on it. The photo is clean with no damage. The photo is 3.5" high by 5" wide. 
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Photo of a B-24 Bomber pilot in the cockpit of the aircraft.  The photo is clean with no damage. The photo is 3.25" high by 4.5." wide.
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B-24 Bomber Pilot Portrait Photo.    Black and white. Measures approx. from 2 1/2 by 3 3/4 inches. The photo is a portrait of a pilot of another crew...
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Photograph of a B-24 bomber's tail guns named "Salvo Sally". The bomber is part of the 826th Bombardment Squadron. The photo is very clean with no damage. It...
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WWII B-24 Nose Art Photo. About three and a half by five inches. Black and white. Shows a nude with just part of the name showing.
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WWII era Photograph of a B-24 Photo-Reconnaissance Aircraft. Super clean photo with just very minor wear from age. Photo measures 4 inches tall by 5...
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WWII era Photograph of a B-24 Photo-Reconnaissance Aircraft with tanker truck. Super clean photo with just very minor wear from age. Photo measures 4...
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Photo of B-29 bomber that has crashed. The photo is clean with no damage. The photo is 4" high by 3.5" wide. 
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Photo of B-29 bomber that has crashed. The photo is clean with no damage. The photo is 4.25" high by 3.5" wide. 
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Photo of B-29 bomber that has crashed. The photo is clean with no damage. The photo is 4.25" high by 3.5" wide. 
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Photo of B-29 bomber that has crashed. The photo is clean with no damage. The photo is 4.25" high by 3.5" wide. 
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WWII era Photograph of a B-29 Superfortress Bomber. Super clean photo with just very minor wear from age. Photo measures 4 inches tall by 5 inches wide.
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WWII era Photograph of a B-29 Superfortress Bomber Tail Section. Super clean photo with just very minor wear from age. Photo measures 4 inches tall by...
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WWII Badger Beauty B-24 Nose Art Photo. About two and three quarters by four and a half inches. Black and white. Has name written on reverse.
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  WW2 US Press Release German Photo "Beautiful Mountain Chalet at Berchtesgaden". Black and white image. About 6 1/2x8 1/2. Has PR info on reverse.
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Photo of a belly landed B-24 bomber that's name cannot be made out in the photo. The photo is clean with no damage. The photo is 3.25" high by 4.5" wide. On...
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WWII Berchtesgaden Private Library Press Release Photo. About six and a half by nine inches. Has press release info and newspaper stamps on reverse.
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