US WWII Era ( 1941-1948)

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WWII President Roosevelt Decorating Gen Mark Clark Photo. Black and white. Three and a half by four and a half inches. Shows the President pinning a medal...
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WWII - Occupation FEAF / Far East Air Forces Raw Silk Patch. About three and a quarter inches wide. Japanese raw silk embroidered. Used.
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WWII Federal Chemical Company Wilmington NC Home Front Employee ID Badge. Almost two inches in diameter. Metal body with a thin plastic cover. Pin back.
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WWII US Female Driver Patch. English hand embroidered details on a wool background. Uniform removed.
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WWII Female War Worker Find Your War Job Poster. About fifteen and a half by twenty-two and a half inches. Great vibrant colors of a female war worker using...
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WWII AAF Ferrying Command Indian Chief Design Squadron Patch. English embroidered on felt. Great image oof a kneeling Indian Chief shooting a cargo plane...
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WWII Fertile Myrtle B-24 Nose Art Photo. About four by four and a half inches. Black and white image.
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WWII Bureau Of Indian Affairs Field Mouse Goes To War Hopi Indian Home Front Book. Softbound. Printed by the United States Department Of The Interior. 1944...
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Fighting Aircraft Of The United Nations Curtiss Electric Propellors Book. Softbound. Wartime printed. Full of great color images of aircraft that used...
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WWII Headquarters First Army Christmas Card. Inside is a great image of a snaoman that looks like Hitler. Great shape.
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WWII First Army Headquarters Eastern Defense Command Christmas Card. Great deco cover showing Manhattan New York and Governors Island.
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WWII First Army Officer & Wife Christmas Card. Postcard size. Great shape.
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Late-40's-50's First Sergeant Chevron Set. Fully machine embroidered. Unused.
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WWII First Sergeant Chevron Set. Machine embroidered on blue twill. Used.
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WWII First Sergeant Chevron Set. Machine embroidered on wool. Unused.
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WWII First Special Service Force Canadian Troops Patch. Two piece. Italian red wool background with hand embroidered details. Have seen a  lot of original...
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WWII First Special Service Force / Black Devils Christmas 1944 V-Mail. Great images of Santa Claus above a FSSF patch and various activities around it (...
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WWII - Late 1940's Fleet Air Support Unit 3 / FASU Squadron Patch. Machine embroidered on wool with a cheesecloth like backing.  Has a great cartoon deisgn...
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WWII US Marine Corps FMF-PAC Headquarters Patch. Machine embroidered on dark red felt. Unused.
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WWII US Marine Corps Fleet Marine Force Service & Supply Theatre Made Hat Patch. Almost two inches tall. Real tight Philippine machine embroidered with a...
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