US WWII Era ( 1941-1948)

Incredible CCC / Civilian Conservation Corps Trench Art Mess Kit. Standard WWI issue mess kit. On the lid are scratched a few initials. On the bottom side of...
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WWII Incredible Custom Made US Navy V-5 Program Wing. Two and a half inches wide. A jeweler has taken a standard issue CPT Instructors wing and has removed...
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WWII Army Air Forces English Made Pilot Wing. Three and a quarter inches long. Thin stamped metal with English lug type posts. Great feathering details.
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WWII Incredible Jeweler Made Airborne CIB Bracelet. From end to end is eight inches. It looks like the jeweler took a basic identity silver bracelet and...
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WWII Incredible Medical Corps Technical Sergeant Rank Badge Made From English Coin. About an inch tall. Hand carved Tech Sgt chevron with a gold colored...
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Incredible WWII US Marine Corps Three Dimensional Sweetheart Pin. About two and a half inches tall. At the top is a stamped patriotic eagle. Attached to the...
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Incredible US Navy Anchor Sweetheart Pin. About two and a half inches tall. Silver colored metal anchor. Hasa red, white and blue painted rope with US NAVY...
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Incredible WWII 84th Division Watch Fob. Almost seven inches tall. Has a US officers collar device at the top and bottom. Then there are alternating 1st Lt...
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Incredible WWII Hand Painted Remember Pearl Harbor Metal Sign. About twelve by twenty-four inches. Made of a little thicker than usual tin. Hand painted on...
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WWII Indian Motorcycle Company Military Manual. Softbound. Small sized. Titled HOW TO RIDE A MOTORCYCLE ON ROUGH TERRAIN...SAND,MUD,GRAVEL A MANUAL FOR...
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WWII Indiana State Guard Collar Device. About an inch long. Stamped brass with painted details. Snow flake like backing. Small double screw  backs.
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WWII Or Before Indiana State Guard Officers Collar Device. About 3/4 of an inch wide. Has a snow flake like backing.
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