US WWII Era ( 1941-1948)

WWII CBI / China Burma India Theatre Made Silver DI. About an inch tall.  Looks like hand hammered details. May have been made for a lighter. Has been well...
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WWII China - Burma - India 17 Language Silk Blood Chit. This is the super long one. Has been folded for a long time. One small part of blue field on flag is...
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WWII Chinese Made CBI AAF Pilots Ring. Heavy silver body ( reminds me of one of those old bent spoon types). On the front is an enameled US flag with USA...
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WWII CBI Made Bullion AAF Headquarters Patch. Blue crushed velvet background with heavy gold bullion embroidered details. Used.
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WWII CBI Made Headquarters Bullion Patch. Blue thin wool background with heavy bullion details. Used.
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WWII CBI Made Leather Combat Cargo Squadron Patch. Stamped leather patch with two elephants with their trunks up and a jungle design around them. Both...
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WWII CBI Made Enlisted Bullion AAF Collar Discs. Each is about an inch in diameter. Flat gold bullion background with relief embroidered bullion details....
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CBI Made Bulion Army Air Forces Headquarters Patch. Dark blue velvet background with gold and silver bullion details. Used.
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WWII CBI Made US Officers Collar Insignia Patches. Indian embroidered on khaki twill. Unused.
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WWII CBI Made Multi-Piece Leather 48 Star Back Flag / Blood Chit. About seven and a quarter inches tall. Multi-piece construction. Excellent condition. Unused.
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WWII CBI Multi-Piece Leather Blood Chit Unusual Variant. About nine by ten and a half inches. Mutli-piece construction. Intersting have the flags on top of...
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WWII Theatre Made CBI Patch & DI. Silk hand embroidered CBI patch. The di is silver with enamelled details, and is pinback. What is neat is they are...
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