US WWII Era ( 1941-1948)

WWII 84th Division RAIL SPLITTERS Silver & Enamel Ring. School ring style. Silver body. On the front is an enamelled likeness of the 84th division patch...
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WWII era US Army 84th Infantry Division Unit History Map. Paper map has been folded for a long time but still in good, clean shape with just some wear...
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WWII 850th Engineer Aviation Battalion Unit History. The book has some minor wear from age, but still in very good condition. First Edition. Well...
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WWII 85th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron Unit History. The book is worn from age, but the binding is still very strong. First Edition. Well illustrated...
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WWII 85th Division Patch. Fully machine embroidered. Unused. This is a stock photo and we have a quantity of these, so might be slight variations in what...
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WWII 95th Fighter Squadron 79th Fighter Group 12th Air Force Squadron Patch. Five inches tall. Decal type that has been mounted on a stiff paper instead of...
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WWII 85 th MOVES UP! 1885 th Engineer Aviation Battalion Unit History. The book cover is clean and pages are worn with age, but the binding is strong....
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WWII 86th Chemical Mortar Battalion Unit History. The book cover and pages has some minor wear from age. The binding is strong. The book is 1946 dated....
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WWII - Occupation 86th Division German Made Patch. About two and a quarter inches tall. German machine embroidered. Unused.
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WWII 86th Division Patch. Fully machine embroidered. Unused. This is a stock photo and we have a quantity of these, so might be slight variations in what...
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WWII 86th Division Two Piece Sweetheart / Patriotic Pin. Two piece. Enameled details. Pin back.
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WWII - Occupation 87th Armored Field Artillery Theatre Made DI. One inch tall. Pot metal construction with painted details.German made. Pin back.
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WWII 87th Division Patch .Fully machine embroidered . Unused. This is a stock photo and we have a quantity of these, so might be slight variations in...
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WWII 88th Division Artillery Patch. Blue wool background with a red embroidered border. Italian made. Unused.
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WWII 88th Division Artillery Patch. Two inches tall. Standard fully embroidered patch with someone has customized with enlisted artillery overseas cap...
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WWII 88th Division Artillery With Bullion Blue Devils Scroll & Patch. The 88th division patch is fully machine embroidered and greenback. A tailor has...
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WWII 88th Division BLUE DEVIL Bullion Patch. Two piece. Italian made. Uniform removed.
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WWII 88th Division BLUE DEVILS Bullion Patch Set. Two piece. The main patch is two inches tall. Blue silk like background with a silver bullion embroidered...
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WWII 88th Division Blue Devils Italy Bullion Scroll. About three and a half inches long. Italian hand embroidered red border on a blue silk background with...
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WWII 88th Division Patch. Fully machine embroidered. Unused. This is a stock photo and we have a quantity of these, so might be slight variations in what...
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WWII 88th Glider Infantry DI. One inch tall. The photo makes it look like there is a chip in the upper right corner, but there is no chip. Has the Dondero...
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WWII Army Air Forces 89th Bomb Squadron 3rd Bomb Group Australian Made Squadron Patch. Australian machine embroidered. Unused but has a couple of bug bites...
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WWII 89th Division Patch. Fully machine embroidered. Unused. This is a stock photo and we have a quantity of these, so might be slight variations in what...
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WWII 89th Division Patch. Fully machine embroidered. Unused. This is a stock photo and we have a quantity of these, so might be slight variations in what...

WWII 89th Infantry Division Unit History. The book cover and pages have minor wear from age. The binding is strong. The book is 1947 dated. First Edition....
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WWII 8th Air Force British Made Trench Art Style Patriotic / Sweetheart Pin. Two and a half inches long. Made out of aluminum ( possibly aircraft parts), and...
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WWII 8th Air Force Colorized Photo. About eight by ten inches. Shows two Hispanic enlistedmen with 8th AAF patch on shoulder.
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WWII AAF 8th Air Force English Made Patch. Two and a half inches tall. English machine embroidered on wool. Unused.
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WWII English Made Bullion 8th Army Air Forces Patch. Blue wool background with heavy gold and silver bullion details. Removed from a uniform.

WWII English made 8th Air Force Patch. Blue wool background with English hand embroidered details. Has been removed from a uniform.
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WWII English made 8th Air Force Patch. Blue wool background with English hand embroidered details. Has been removed from a uniform.
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WWII English Made 8th Air Force Patch. Blue wool background with English hand embroidered details. Used.
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WWII 8th Army Air Forces Patch. English machine embroidered on wool. Unused.
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WWII 8th Air Force English Made Patch. BLue wool background with English hand embroidered details. Unused but has a couple of surface bug bites.
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WWII 8th Air Force Greetings From London Wall Hanger. About sixteen and a half by sixteen and a half inches/ Satin like background with heavy chain stitched...
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WWII AAF 8th Air Force Patch. Fully machine embroidered. Unused. This is a stock photo and we have a quantity of these, so might be slight variations in...
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WWII 8 th Air Force souvenir. The silk wall hanger measures 16 x 16 inches and says, “Greetings from London.” In good condition with no holes and just some...
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WWII 8th Air Force STUBBY Wing English Made Patch. Blue wool background with English hand embroidered details. Unused.
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Transitional US Air Force Type B-14 Flight Jacket. OD wool, Ike style, with two slash lower pockets. Sewn on the right sleeve is a 8th Air Force patch and...
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WWII 8th Armor Division English Made THUNDERING HERD Tab. Thin od wool background with English hand embroidered details. Unused.
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WWII 8th Armor Division Patch. Fully machine embroidered. Unused. This is a stock photo and we have a quantity of these, so might be slight variations in...
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Pre-WWII 8th Armor Division WOOLIE Patch. Fully machine embroidered on a thick od wool. Unused.
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Occupation - Early 1950's 8th Army Chairborne Bullion & Raw Silk Pocket Patch. Almost four inches tall. Japanese made, quilted raw silk background with...
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WWII 8th Army Patch. Fully machine embroidered. Unused. This is a stock photo and we have a quantity of these, so might be slight variations in what you...
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1940's-50's 8th Army Signal School Bullion Patch. Three and a half inches tall. Japanese made. Wool like background with thick gold and silver bullion...
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8th Army Theatre Made Patch. German machine embroidered. Unused.
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WWII 8th Corps Patch. Fully machine embroidered. Unused. This is a stock photo and we have a quantity of these, so might be slight variations in what you...
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WWII 8th Division Patch. Fully machine embroidered. Unused. This is a stock photo and we have a quantity of these, so might be slight variations in what...
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8th Logistical Command Patch. Fully machine embroidered. Unused. This is a stock photo and we have a quantity of these, so might be slight variations in...
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WWII 8th Photo Recon 5th Air Force Australian Made Squadron Patch. Australian machine embroidered. Removed from a flight jacket. Has some bug bites.
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WWII - Occupation 8th Service Command Patch. German machine embroidered. Unused.
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Rare WWII Black Background 8th Service Command Patch. Fully machine embroidered. Unused. Have only ever seen one other black backed service command patch...
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WWI 9 pocket mounted cartridge belt. Canvas is Khaki in color. The cotton/canvas is in very good shape with some staining. The metal hardware is clean with...
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WWII 909th Field Artillery Battalion Theatre Made DI. One inch tall. Lead like background with painted details. German made. Screw back.
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WWII 90th Division Chained Sweetheart / Patriotic Pin. Two piece. Enameled details. Both pieces are pin back.
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WWII 90th Division Patch. Fully machine embroidered. Unused. This is a stock photo and we have a quantity of these, so might be slight variations in what...
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Incredible WWII 90th Fighter Squadron Aces Squadron Patch & Red Silk Scarf. Wow, where to start with this incredible group. This group belonged to a AAF...
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WWII OD Border 91st Division Patch. German machine embroidered. Unused.
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WWII 91st Infantry Division Unit History. The book cover and pages have minor wear from age. The binding is strong. The book is 1947 dated. First Edition....
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WWII era US Army M37 Wool Shirt patched to the 91st Infantry Division. Division patch is standard issue rayon and technical corporal ranks are the era war...
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WWII 92nd Division Artillery Troops Patch. Fully machine embroidered patch with officers artillery red braid sewn around it. Used.
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Unusual 92nd Division Patch. Slightly over two inches tall. Flocked buffalo and border on a grey felt background. Unused. Came out of an old / large...
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WWI 92nd Division Patch. French hand embroidered on a horizon blue wool background. Unused.
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WWII 92nd Division Patch. Fully machine embroidered. Unused. This is a stock photo and we have a quantity of these, so might be slight variations in what...
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1940's-1950's 92nd Division Reverse Direction Patch. Two inches tall. Thick Japanese machine embroidered. Great combat side patch. Used.
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Late-1940's-50's 92nd Division Theatre Made Patch. Ribbed cotton like background. Has a velvet sewn buffalo in the center. Appears Korean made. Used.
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WWII 93rd Division Patch. Fully machine embroidered. Unused. This is a stock photo and we have a quantity of these, so might be slight variations in what...
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WWII 94th Division OD Border Patch. Two and a half inches tall. Fully machine embroidered. Unused.
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WWII 94th Division Patch. Fully machine embroidered. Unused. This is a stock photo and we have a quantity of these, so might be slight variations in what...
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WWII 94th Infantry Division Unit History. The book cover and pages have minor wear from age. The binding is strong. The book is 1948 dated. First Edition....
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WWII 95th Division Blue Border Patch. Fully machine embroidered. Unused. This is a stock photo and we have a quantity of these, so might be slight...
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WWII 95th Division OD Border Patch. Fully machine embroidered. Unused. This is a stock photo and we have a quantity of these, so might be slight...
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1930's 96th Bomb Squadron Pilots Belt & Buckle. The buckle is about two and a half inches tall. Has an enamelled 96th Bomb di and 1932 below. Above is a set...
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WWII 96th Division Patch. Fully machine embroidered. Unused. This is a stock photo and we have a quantity of these, so might be slight variations in what...
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WWII 96th Division Unit History. Hardbound. Titled   THE DEADEYES THE STORY OF THE 96TH INFANTRY DIVISION.First edition, printed in 1947. 310 pages. Great...
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Occupation - Early 1950's 974th Signal Operating Battalion Tab. Japanese raw silk, quilted hand embroidered. Used.
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WWII AAF 97th Bomb Group 15th Air Force Italian Made Squadron Patch. Thick leather background. Hand painted details. Italian made. Unused.
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WWII 97th Division Patch. Fully machine embroidered. Unused. This is a stock photo and we have a quantity of these, so might be slight variations in what...
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WWII 97th Division Philippine Made Patch. Two and a quarter inches tall. Philippine machine embroidered. Unused.
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WWII 98th Division Patch. Fully machine embroidered. Unused. This is a stock photo and we have a quantity of these, so might be slight variations in what...
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WWII - Occupation 999th Field Artillery Battalion Theatre Made Plastic DI. Slightly over an inch tall. Plastic background with hand painted details. Pin back.
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WWII 99th Division Blue Square First Variant Patch. Fully machine embroidered. Unused. This is a stock photo and we have a quantity of these, so might be...
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WWII 99th Division White Square First Variant Patch. Fully machine embroidered. Unused. This is a stock photo and we have a quantity of these, so might...
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WWII US Army Air Corps 9th Air Force Airborne Troop Carrier 4 Pocket Jacket and wool shirt. Jacket and shirt are in very good condition with some very minor...
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WWII Bullion 9th Air Forces Patch.About two and three quarter inches tall. Hand embroidered with bullion details.Looks English made. Unused.
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WWII English Made 9th Air Force Patch. Blue wool background with heavy bullions details. Has been removed from a uniform.
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WWII English Made 9th Air Force Patch. Blue wool background with heavy bullions details. On the reverse are four sewn snaps, for removing from a uniform...
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WWII 9th Air Force Bullion Patch. English made. Blue wool background with heavy gold and silver bullion details. Has snaps sewn on the back for removing...
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WWII English Made 9th Air Force DI. Brass background with enamelled details. Looks like they meant to make a 8th air force di but put a 9 in its place....
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WWII - Occupation AAF 9th Air Force German Made Bullion Patch. Two and a half inches tall. German bullion embroidered details on a blue wool like background....
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WWII 9th Air Force Heavy Bullion Patch. Thick, heavy bullion embroidered on a blue wool background. English made. Used.
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WWII English Made Identified 9th Air Force Patch. BLue wool background with English hand embroidered details. Has veteran's name and something else written...
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WWII AAF 9th Air Force Patch. Fully machine embroidered. Unused. This is a stock photo and we have a quantity of these, so might be slight variations in...
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WWII 9th Air Force Silk Pilots Scarf. White, parachute like silk material. On the front is a English embroidered 9th Air Force patch. At the other end is a...
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WWII One Piece 9th Airborne Ghost / Phantom Division Patch. Almost three and a quarter inches tall. One piece. Unused.
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WWII 9th Airborne Troop Carrier service coat and shirt. This 1940 dated tunic is a size 36 Long and features a bullion 9th Airforce shoulder sleeve insignia...
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