Home Front Items

WWII Stars And Stripes Forever Real Photo Postcard. Real photo. Shows a lady in summer wear flying a large US flag with  STARS AND STRIPES FOREVER. Unused.
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WWII Take Part Of Your Change In War Savings Stamps Sticker. About three by ten inches. Great red, white and blue graphics with a minuteman and a WWII...
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WWII era the Bomber Dexterity Game. Metal body is in very good condition with no dents and just very minor wear to the paint. The carboard back has some...
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WWII United Aircraft Company Employees ID Badge. Almost two inches in diameter. Metal frame with a plastic like covering of the employees photo. Has been...
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WWII United States Army Mothers Service Badge. About an inch and a half long. Silver metal background with deep enameled details. Has two small silver stars...
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WWII era Home Front US Army Sergeant Doll. In good condition with no stains and just minor wear from age. Measures 11 inches tall.  Cloth body and...
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US Army In Service Window / Wall Hanger. About eight by eleven inches. Printed on felt. Has been exposed to a lot of daylight and some small wrinkles and...
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WWII Home Front US War Stamp Agent Water Weasel Patch. Almost four inches in diameter. Machine embroidered on felt with a cheesecloth like backing. Used.
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WWII USO War Work Meritorious Service Certificate. About five and a half by eight and a half inches. Dated April 22,1945 and presented to a Fannie Glascoe....
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New York Shipbuilding Corporation Caden, NJ USS Atlanta Pin / Badge. Celluloid covered. Pinback.
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WWII New York Shipbuilding Corporation Camden, NJ Launching USS Atlanta Pin / Badge. Celluloid covered. Oval shaped. About two and a half inches wide. Pinback.
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WWII New York Shipbuilding Corporation Camden, NJ Launching USS Bremerton Pin / Badge. Celluloid covered. Oval shaped. About two and a half inches wide....
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WWII New York Shipbuilding Corporation Caden, NJ Launching USS Dayton Pin / Badge. Celluloid covered. Oval shaped. About two and a half inches wide. Pinback.
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New York Shipbuilding Corporation Caden, NJ Launching USS Fargo Pin / Badge. Celluloid covered. Pinback.
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New York Shipbuilding Corporation Caden, NJ Launching USS Huntington Pun. Celluloid covered. Pinback.
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New York Shipbuilding Corporation Caden, NJ Launching USS Wright Pin / Badge. Celluloid covered. Pinback.
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WWII New York Shipbuilding Corporation Camden, NJ Launching USS Wright Pin / Badge. Celluloid covered. Oval shaped. About one and a half inches in diameter....
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WWII V For Victory New Old Stock Felt Patch. Die cut red felt V with ..._ stamped out of it. About three inches tall. Still with it's original cellophane...
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WWII V For Victory Ten Way Card Case / Wallet. Black leatherette body with VICTORY TEN WAY CARD CASE ...- embossed on covers. Inside is a place for id cards...
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WWII Victory Task Force Patch. Fully machine embroidered. Unused.
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