Home Front Items

WWII New York Shipbuilding Corporation USS Atlanta Launching Pin / Badge. About an inch and a half in diameter. Shows very minor use. Pin back.
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WWII Norfolk Navy Yard Civilian ID Badge / Watchfob. The badge is about an inch and a half in diameter. Brass framed with a thin plasitc covering. Pin back...
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WWII North American Aviation  Army Navy E Flag Award Decal. A little over four inches square. Has the Army Navy E flag in the center with  NORTHRUP...
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1950's-1960's Northrop Aviation Volunteer Fire Brigade Badge. Two and a half inches tall. Silver plated material. Has enamelled details. Made by Entemanns....
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WWII - Late 1940's Numbered Los Angeles County Civil Defense Armband. White twill like body. Has a silk screened Civil Defense insignia with  LA  CO...
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WWII Occupational Therapy Apprentice Patch. Fully machine embroidered. Unused.
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WWII Official US Defense Agent For Defense Stamp Sales Celluloid Pin. A little over two inches tall. Pinback.
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WWII OPA War Price And Rationing Board Volunteer DI / Lapel Pin. JUst under an inch tall. Plastic construction. Pin back. Shows minor wear.
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WWII Oscar Mayer & Co Employee / Worker ID Badge. Almost two inches tall. Great patriotic graphics. Has photo of employee in center. For the Madison...
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WWII Home Front Air Raid Warden Civil Defense Armband. Off-white cotton twill armband with finished edges. Painted Air Raid Warden symbol. Very good...
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WWII Paper Trooper War Production Board Home Front Patch. About three and a quarter inches in diameter. Printed on a thin cotton. Uniform removed.
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WWII Era Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co Works No 9 Home Front Employees Badge. About a inch and a half in diameter. Metal frame with a thin  plastic covering. Pin...
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WWII Home Front Pullman Car Manufacturing Co. Tank Production E Award Pin. About an inch and a half wide. Shaped like a profile of a tank. In the center is...
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WWII Civilian Home Front Redstone Ordnance Plant Employee / Workers Patch. Almost three inches tall. Machine embroidered on felt. Unused.
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WWII Homefront Remember Pearl Harbor Glazed Ceramic Beer Mug. White, glazed ceramic body. In relief is a US flag with a shield that has REMEMBER PEARL HARBOR...
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WWII Remember Pearl Harbor Sweetheart / Patriotic Pin. About two inches tall and two and a half inches wide. Has a mother of pearl ocean with a small section...
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WWII Home Front Remember Pearl Harbor Velvet Painting. Image hand painted on black velvet. Measures approximately 15.5 Inches by 11.5 inches. Image is clean...
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WWII era Home Front Remember Pearl Harbor WAVE Chalk Ware Statue. The chalk ware is in good condition. Only notable flaw is the neck of the WAVE has been...
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WWII era Home Front Sailor Lamp. Plaster stand with paper shade. The shade is clean and in good condition with no holes and just a few minor marks. The...
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WWII Or Before California Santa Maria Cadets Patch. About four inches wide. Machine embroidered on a thin wool with a cheesecloth like backing. Unused.
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WWII Home Front Shell Oil Ground Crew Service Patch. About four and a half inches wide. Printed details. Unused.
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WWII Home Front Shoot The Pants Off The Japanazi US Army Rayon Shorts. Floral print rayon shorts with satin trim. Printed across the body is  SHOOT THE PANTS...

WWII Era Signal Corps Rayon Handkerchief. Handkerchief is clean with no holes or stains that can be seen. Wrinkled from storage. Embroidered with the signal...
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WWII era Home Front plaster statue of a Soldier, Sailor and Nurse. The plaster cast is in good condition. Only notable flaw is the neck of the sailor has...
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WWII Stars And Stripes Forever Real Photo Postcard. Real photo. Shows a lady in summer wear flying a large US flag with  STARS AND STRIPES FOREVER. Unused.
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WWII Take Part Of Your Change In War Savings Stamps Sticker. About three by ten inches. Great red, white and blue graphics with a minuteman and a WWII...
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WWII era the Bomber Dexterity Game. Metal body is in very good condition with no dents and just very minor wear to the paint. The carboard back has some...
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WWII United Aircraft Company Employees ID Badge. Almost two inches in diameter. Metal frame with a plastic like covering of the employees photo. Has been...
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WWII United States Army Mothers Service Badge. About an inch and a half long. Silver metal background with deep enameled details. Has two small silver stars...
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WWII era Home Front US Army Sergeant Doll. In good condition with no stains and just minor wear from age. Measures 11 inches tall.  Cloth body and...
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US Army In Service Window / Wall Hanger. About eight by eleven inches. Printed on felt. Has been exposed to a lot of daylight and some small wrinkles and...
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WWII Home Front US War Stamp Agent Water Weasel Patch. Almost four inches in diameter. Machine embroidered on felt with a cheesecloth like backing. Used.
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WWII USO War Work Meritorious Service Certificate. About five and a half by eight and a half inches. Dated April 22,1945 and presented to a Fannie Glascoe....
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New York Shipbuilding Corporation Caden, NJ USS Atlanta Pin / Badge. Celluloid covered. Pinback.
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WWII New York Shipbuilding Corporation Camden, NJ Launching USS Atlanta Pin / Badge. Celluloid covered. Oval shaped. About two and a half inches wide. Pinback.
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WWII New York Shipbuilding Corporation Camden, NJ Launching USS Bremerton Pin / Badge. Celluloid covered. Oval shaped. About two and a half inches wide....
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WWII New York Shipbuilding Corporation Caden, NJ Launching USS Dayton Pin / Badge. Celluloid covered. Oval shaped. About two and a half inches wide. Pinback.
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New York Shipbuilding Corporation Caden, NJ Launching USS Fargo Pin / Badge. Celluloid covered. Pinback.
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New York Shipbuilding Corporation Caden, NJ Launching USS Huntington Pun. Celluloid covered. Pinback.
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New York Shipbuilding Corporation Caden, NJ Launching USS Wright Pin / Badge. Celluloid covered. Pinback.
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WWII New York Shipbuilding Corporation Camden, NJ Launching USS Wright Pin / Badge. Celluloid covered. Oval shaped. About one and a half inches in diameter....
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WWII V For Victory New Old Stock Felt Patch. Die cut red felt V with ..._ stamped out of it. About three inches tall. Still with it's original cellophane...
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WWII V For Victory Ten Way Card Case / Wallet. Black leatherette body with VICTORY TEN WAY CARD CASE ...- embossed on covers. Inside is a place for id cards...
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WWII Victory Task Force Patch. Fully machine embroidered. Unused.
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WWII Women's Ambulance And Defense Corps Of America / WADAC Auxiliary Rocker Patch. About three inches wide. Machine embroidered on twill. Unused.
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WWII Women's Ambulance And Defense Corps Of America / WADAC Glendale Rocker Patch. About three inches wide. Machine embroidered on twill. Unused.
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WWII Waiting For Japanese Sandman Postcard. Standard size. Has a great cartoon image of a soldier on sentry duty with  WAITING FOR TH' JAPANEE SANDMAN below....
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WWII US War Savings Service Patch. Machine embroidered on khaki twill. Unused.
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WWII We Have Bought 6th War Loan Home Front Window Decal.  About four by seven inches. Great bond graphics on the front. On the reverse are the instructions....
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WWII Home Front War Workers  We Keep 'Em Firing Patriotic Pin. About three quarters of an inch in diameter. Silver background with a airplane and tank in the...
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WWII Home Front Western Electric War Worker Patch. About three and a half inches tall. Machine embroidered on twill. Used.
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WWII Women's Ambulance and Defense Corps of America shirt with Beaumont Califronia tab. The shirt has been folded and stored for a long time but is in very...
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WWII Wright Aeronautical Employees National Defense Workers Car Plate Topper. Brushed aluminum. Slightly over ten inches. Shows minor use and wear.
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WWII Home Front Wright Aircraft Engine Production Soldier War Worker Lapel Pin. About three quarters of an inch tall. Brass background with enameled details....
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WWII era Home Front Sailor Cookie Jar. Ceramic body with removable head. In good condition with some wear from age. Measures 7 inches x 11 inches. 
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