Home Front Items

WWII New York Shipbuilding Corporation Caden, NJ Launching USS Dayton Pin / Badge. Celluloid covered. Oval shaped. About two and a half inches wide. Pinback.
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New York Shipbuilding Corporation Caden, NJ Launching USS Fargo Pin / Badge. Celluloid covered. Pinback.
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New York Shipbuilding Corporation Caden, NJ Launching USS Huntington Pun. Celluloid covered. Pinback.
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New York Shipbuilding Corporation Caden, NJ Launching USS Wright Pin / Badge. Celluloid covered. Pinback.
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WWII New York Shipbuilding Corporation Camden, NJ Launching USS Wright Pin / Badge. Celluloid covered. Oval shaped. About one and a half inches in diameter....
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WWII V For Victory New Old Stock Felt Patch. Die cut red felt V with ..._ stamped out of it. About three inches tall. Still with it's original cellophane...
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WWII V For Victory Ten Way Card Case / Wallet. Black leatherette body with VICTORY TEN WAY CARD CASE ...- embossed on covers. Inside is a place for id cards...
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WWII Victory Task Force Patch. Fully machine embroidered. Unused.
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WWII Women's Ambulance And Defense Corps Of America / WADAC Auxiliary Rocker Patch. About three inches wide. Machine embroidered on twill. Unused.
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WWII Women's Ambulance And Defense Corps Of America / WADAC Glendale Rocker Patch. About three inches wide. Machine embroidered on twill. Unused.
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WWII Waiting For Japanese Sandman Postcard. Standard size. Has a great cartoon image of a soldier on sentry duty with  WAITING FOR TH' JAPANEE SANDMAN below....
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WWII US War Savings Service Patch. Machine embroidered on khaki twill. Unused.
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