Field Gear And Equipment

WWII M-1924 US Army first aid carlisle pouch with bandage in foil. The khaki cotton/canvas is clean and in very good condition. The steel hanger is also in...
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WWII era M-1928 Haversack Tail that is OD. The OD cotton/canvas is in good condition with no damage and just some minor stains. The metal hardware has some...
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US Army M-1938 dispatch case for carrying maps and documents. This one was designed for mounted troops and has an extra loop and carry strap on the back....
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WWII M-1942 US Army first aid carlisle pouch with bandage in foil. The khaki cotton/canvas is clean and in very good condition. The steel hanger is also in...
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WWII M-1942 Enameled US Army canteen. The body is clean with just some chips but no rust. Cap and chain are in very good condition. The canteen is unmarked.
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WWII M1943 Pack. OD green body with numerous canvas straps. Markers mark could not be located on the pack. Has been used and some straps are missing but is...
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WWII era Khaki M1 Ammunition Bag that is stove marked. The Khaki canvas body is in solid, usable condition with just some stains. The metal hardware is...
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WWII M1 Carbine magazine pouch khaki snap belt. The cotton/canvas belt is in very good condition with no damage to the canvas and only very minor staining....
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WWII M1 Carbine magazine pouch khaki snap belt. The cotton/canvas belt is in very good condition with no damage to the canvas and only very minor staining....
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WWI era M1912 Colt .45 magazine pouch with care instructions. These were used in both WWI and WWII. The pouch is in great shape with no flaws to the...
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WWII era M1921 & M1928 Thompson SMG Carry Case. The cotton/canvas body is in very good with no damage and just very minor staining. All of the metal...
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WWII US Army M1928 OD Haversack and Tail. The OD cotton/canvas body of both the haversack and tail are in good shape with some staining, but no damage. The...
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