Cloth Squadron Patches - Army Air Forces

WWII - Occupation Period Army Airways Communications Squadron Bullion Squadron Patch. About six inches tall. Heavy gold and silver bullion embroidered...
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WWII Army Air Forces ATC / Air Transport Command Multi-Piece Leather Squadron Patch. Four and a half inches in diameter. CBI made. Flight jacket removed.
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WWII AAF Camera Unit WF Tech Data Squadron Patch. Painted on leather. Came with the 1st camera crew patch we also have listed on the website. Unused,
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WWII CBI Made Leather Combat Cargo Squadron Patch. Stamped leather patch with two elephants with their trunks up and a jungle design around them. Both...
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WWII CBI Made Multi-Piece Leather 48 Star Back Flag / Blood Chit. About seven and a quarter inches tall. Multi-piece construction. Excellent condition. Unused.
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WWII CBI Multi-Piece Leather Blood Chit Unusual Variant. About nine by ten and a half inches. Mutli-piece construction. Intersting have the flags on top of...
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WWII Army Air Forces Cold Weather Test Detachment Alaska Leather Squadron Patch. Thin leather background with a applied decal like transfer. Unused.
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WWII Army Air Forces Cold Weather Test Detachment Alaska Squadron Patch. Machine embroidered on twill with a cheesecloth like backing. Has been used. Tough...
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WWII Army Air Forces Detachment A 1012th Signal Comapny Squadron Patch. Hand painted on leather. Shows a turtle in combat gear beating on a telephone pole...
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WWII AAF Ferrying Command Indian Chief Design Squadron Patch. English embroidered on felt. Great image oof a kneeling Indian Chief shooting a cargo plane...
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WWII AAF Gila Bend Gunnery School Bugs Bunny Squadron Patch. A little over five inches in diameter. Embossed leather. Unused.
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WWII 824th Bomb Squadron Italian Made Incised Leather Squadron Patch. Incised leather background with hand painted details. Has veterans name on reverse. Used.
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