ASMIC's Quality Collection / Most Wanted Insignia

 In this section we will add items that are featured in the new ASMIC Trading Post articles from the Best Of The Best Issue October - December 2013

WWI 1st Army General Intermediate Supply Depot Bullion Patch. Black wool background with German bullion embroidered details. Unused.
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WWII 1st Army Group Error Patch. Machine embroidered. Unused.
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WWII - Occupation 1st Cavalry Division 7th Regiment Japanese Bullion Patch. Five inches tall. Japanese flat gold bullion strips with velvet bend and horse...
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WWII 1st Cavalry Division Occupation "Bridle" patch. Standard issue 1st cav patch but around the horses head has been hand stitched a bridle set. This was...
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WWII - Late 40's 1st Cavalry Division Special Projects Board DI. About a half inch tall. Pot metal background with enameled details. Japanese made. Screw back.
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WWII US Marine Corps 1st M.A.C. Barrage Balloon Battalion Patch. Fully machine embroidered. Unused.
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WWII US Marine Corps 1st MAC Para Battalions Australian Made Patch. Australian silk woven. Made by J & J Cash, in fact this one was removed from their...
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WWII 1st Type XV / 15th Corps OD Border Patch. Fully machine embroidered. Unused. Missing from most collections.
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WWII 215th Field Artillery Battalion DI. Very slightly over an inch tall. Brass like background with enameled details. Screw back.
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WWII - Occupation 249th Ordnance Battalion German Made Bullion Scroll / Tab. Gold wool background with thick German mebroidered gold bullion details. Unused.
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Korean War 24th Division FAC / Forward Air Control Back / Squadron Patch. Slightly over six inches in diameter. Thick Japanese machine embroidered. Uniform...
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WWII - Occupation 2832nd Engineer Battalion Theatre Made DI. Slightly over an inch tall. Pot metal background with painted details. German made. Great shape.
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