German - WWII And Before

WWI era German 1910 Shooting Association Badge. About an inch and a three quarters tall. Great details of rifles and target. Has a ABZEICHENFABRIK GG...

WWII era German 37mm FLAK Anti Aircraft Gun Shell Casing Trench Art. Brass inert shell that is 1942 dated. Has some minor wear from age. Roughly 11...
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WWII German Administrative Luftwaffe Oberlt Single Bullion Collar Tab. Green wool background with silver bullion details. Appears lightly used.
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Reichskanzler Adolf Hitler Portrait Postcard. Black and white image. Standard postcard size. Unused.
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WWII Africa 1939 German Trench Art Letter Opener. About ten inches long. Stamped aluminum body with a thin wooden handle. On the Iron Cross shaped part of...
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WWII Arbeitsbuch Issued To Carpenter Who Worked At Berchesgarden In 1936 Issued to a carpenter that was employed by Michael Wutz. Has a few entries but...
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WWII German Army Beak Less Enlisted Breast Eagle. Slightly under four inches wide. Machine embroidered on a grey wool background. Eagle has no beak. Used.
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WWII German Army Corporal Chevron. Grey wool background. Has the two stripes of bullion like embroiderey. Unused.
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WWII German Army Jaeger Sleeve Patch. About two and a half inches tall. German machine embroidered on wool. Unused.
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WWII German Army M-43 Trapezoid Cap Patch. Two and a half inches wide. German silk woven. Unused.
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WWII German Army Mountain Troops Sleeve Patch. About two and a half by three and a quarter inches. Bevo woven. Unused.
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WWII German Army Officers Black High Top Leather Boots. Cut similar to riding boots. The leather around the calves and up is very rigid, while the lowers...
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