Frequently Asked Questions

This page will go over frequently asked questions about our website

Account Registration: With our latest upgrades you now have to register with the site to place an order. There is no longer the GUEST option.

Payments: We accept most major credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, JCB, American Express, Discover, etc), we also still accept personal checks and money orders. PayPal is also an option. If you decide to use PayPal please understand we will get back to you within 24 hours with a PayPal invoice. Once you place the order, we will then pull the item. Once the item is pulled we will send you a PayPal invoice or we will charge your credit card at that time. Please note we will ship all orders to the address on Paypal, not a different address. We are old school and everything is done manually. Lay-Aways are available but it is 50% down (non-refundable) and the balance is due in 30 days. If it is a larger order we can work out more options but we would have to discuss that before the order is placed.

Returns: We offer a three-day inspection of the items. We will happily accept returns if we grossly misrepresented an item. We try our hardest to get descriptions done properly but we are human and do make mistakes. We do not accept refunds because the item doesn't "fit" or you changed your mind. We sell Historical Items, not wearable fashion. If you are looking to wear items we can probably recommend a few different reenactment clothing manufacturers.

Discounts: Sometimes we will offer a special sale or we may just lower some of the listed prices. The vast majority of the time the price the item is listed at is the bottom we are willing to sell it for. If you were to visit our space at a show, the prices are marked higher and there is some "haggling room" included. Since it is a face-to-face deal this is easily done. However, for the items listed on the website, there is no face-to-face so we have marked it as low as we are willing to go.

Shipping: We can ship worldwide with no problem. All packages will be shipped via USPS. If the item is shipped within the United States it will be sent via Priority Mail. If the shipment is going outside the US we will only use Global/International Priority Mail or EMS. Depending on the country, or if we've had previous shipping issues for certain regions, EMS is the only option. We understand that sometimes this can be very expensive and that the USPS has some of the highest rates in the world, but we want your items to arrive safely and quickly to you. We are a small company and will do everything we can to ship your package within 24 hours. Also, we will do everything within our power to pack your items as safe as possible, but once we hand the package to the appropriate carrier, our responsibility ends there and is taken over by the carrier who handles the package.

COA's: Certificates Of Authenticity aren't even worth the paper they are printed on. We do not offer them as they are a scam. The invoice we include in your shipment stating what you purchased from us is way more important and valuable than a COA.

Contact Us: You can use our Contact Us page and that is probably the fastest way to get a response. Note that EMAIL is by far the best way to contact us. If you call and leave a message it can take several days or more to get a reply as we could be travelling. As long as we receive your email you will get a faster response.

Showroom: Our showroom is open by appointment only. We do not have traditional business hours. If you would like to make an appointment please send an email stating what you are looking for. If we don't have what you are looking for we will let you know. We don't want to waste your time or ours. Please remember we do not only deal in militaria and just because you happen to be in town, it doesn't mean we are automatically available or open. We will try our hardest to arrange for you to come in but sometimes it just doesn't work out.

Updates: We try to put new items up daily, please check back frequently.

Want Lists: Please don't be offended but we never look at "want lists" sent to us. Understand that we do not play favorites and contact only certain people when new items come in. We list new items then it's always first come, first served.