Archive Of Previously SOLD Items

This section will show items that we have had posted on the website, that have already been sold.


This section can give everyone an idea about the types of items we carry.

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WWII Occupation - Korea 1st Cavalry Division HELL FOR LEATHER Patch Set. Two piece. Both are Japanese hand embroidered raw silk. Both are used.

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WWII - Occupation 1st Cavalry Division SCOUT DOGS Theatre Enhanced Patch. Standard US issue 1st cav patch that has been customized in Japan. Has a hand...

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First Cavalry Division The First Team Pocket Patch. Japanese machine embroidered. Unused.

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1920's-1930's 1st Regiment, 1st Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division Patch. Multi-piece, melton wool construction. Has been removed from a uniform.  IPE

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Vietnam US Army 1st Cavalry Nixon's Hired Guns Embroidered Boonie Hat & Photo. Standard issue rip stop od boonie hat. VIetnamese direct embroidered on...

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1920's-1930's 1st Cavalry Ordnance Troops Patch. Multi-piece melton wool construction. Used.

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WWI 1st Chemical Officers Collar Device. About a inch and a half wide. Blackened finish. Pin back with a open hook type catch.

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Vietnam Era Theatre Made 1st Division Patch. Vietnamese hand embroidered. Unused. Always a tough patch to find in Vietnamese made.

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WWII US Marine Corps 1st MAC Defense Battalion Australian Made Patch. Australian silk woven. Made by J & J Cash. We bought this from the person who...

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WWI 1st Machine Gun, 1st Army Patch. Multi-piece wool construction with hand embroidered details. Used.

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South Vietnamese Marine 1st Battalion Patch. Vietnamese silk woven. Unused.

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WWII - Occupation period 1st Marine Division Patch.  A little over three inches tall. Raw silk background with Chinese hand embroidered details. Unused.