Archive Of Previously SOLD Items

This section will show items that we have had posted on the website, that have already been sold.


This section can give everyone an idea about the types of items we carry.

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WWII OD Border 94th Division 1st Style Patch. Fully machine embroidered. Unused. Tough patch to find.

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WWII 985th Field Artillery Scroll. Red twill background with hand embroidered white details. Italian made. Unused.  NRT

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WWII - Occupation Period 98th Signal Battalion DI. About an inch and a half tall. Brass , pot metal construction with enameled details. Pin back with an...

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Vietnam 98th Transportation Detachment CARRYING THE LOAD 1961-1962 Pocket Patch. Vietnamese hand embroidered. Super early piece. Unused.  ITT

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WWII - Occupation 99th Field Artillery Battalion Bullion Patch. Red satin like background. Thick German gold bullion embroidered details. Unused.

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WWII - Occupation 9th Airborne Ghost / Phantom Division Bullion Patch. About two inches tall. Multi-piece felt background with German gold bullion...

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WWII era 9th Aviation Engineers Command Ike Jacket with Bullion patch. Jacket is clean with just very minor staining and pinholes from age. Is labeled...

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Vietnamese Made 9th Division ERDL Rip-Stop Camo Beret. Three piece body. ERDL rip-stop mateial. Has a partial burlap lining with a satin crown. Sewn to it is...

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South Vietnamese Marine Corps 9th Battalion Patch. Vietnamese silk woven. Used.

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WWII Occupation - 1950's A Company 153rd Engineer Battalion Pocket Patch. Japanese hand embroidered details on a raw silk background. Used.

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Vietnam A Company 158th Assault Helicopter Battalion GHOST RIDERS Uniform Removed Pocket Patch. Vietnamese machine embroidered. Uniform removed and misshapen...

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Vietnam A Company 159th Assault Support Helicopter Battalion PACHYDERMS Pocket Patch. Vietnamese machine embroidered. Has the green sandbag like backing....

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A Company Command And Control Central Exploitation Force Pocket patch. Vietnamese machine embroidered. Removed from a uniform, and we all know how hard it is...

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1930's A Troop 1st Cavalry Armored Car Enlisted Collar Disc. One inch in diameter. Two piece construction. Screw back.

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A Troop 2nd Squadron 17th Cavalry Pocket Patch. Vietnamese machine embroidered. Great cartoon likeness of characters from Tumbleweed comic strip. Unused.

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Navy Officer's Eagle, Bailey Banks & Biddles maker, Very Rare Maker All items listed under this category are from my personal collection, all...

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WWII Army Air Forces WASP / Womens Air Service Pilots Identified Blue Knit Jeep Cap. Cut in the standard pattern of a jeep cap except this is a blue knit....

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Vietnam US Air Force AC47 Spooky 100 Missions Squadron Patch. Thai machine embroidered. Has been removed from a uniform.

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WWII – Korean War Admiral Arthur Dewey Strubble Helmet Estate. This is an incredible grouping that we were able to purchase straight from the estate of one...

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WWII – Korean War Admiral Arthur Dewey Strubble Helmet Estate. This is an incredible grouping that we were able to purchase straight from the estate of one...

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1960's US Advisor To ARVN Airborne Jump Master Helmet. This piece is cool. It is a converted Japanese made motorcycle riders helmet. It has been painted red...

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Vietnam Advisors Direct Embroidered VN Marine Corps Tiger Stripe Trousers. Stndard lightweight VNMC pattern trousers. Two slash pockets on the front and two...

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WWI Allied Expeditionary Force Patch Pillow. Velvet type tassled pillow. Hand chain stitched to the center is AEF. Around the front of the patch are...

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WWII Occupation Period Aide To Generals Japanese Made Bullion Collar Insignia.  Slightly over an inch tall. Japanese embroidery raw silk and bullion. One for...

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WWII Imperial Japanese Navy Air Branch 2nd Class Winter Specialty Rate. Dark wool background with crossed red airplanes that have black hand stitched...

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Vietnam VNAF Air Force Advisors Jungle Fatigue Set. Standard issue poplin, third model shirt. Has been tailored to short sleeves. Has local made name and...

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Vietnam Era Air Force Custom Made Tiger Stripe Flight Suit. Cut like a K2B suit. Killer pattern in that it almost looks VMC pattern. Has been issued and is...

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Vietnam Era Okinawa Made Tiger Stripe Flight Suit. This ones is cut more similiar to a set of coveralls then to a K2B pattern. Heavyweight cotton body. Has...

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1960's US Air Force Sea Raider Wool Ball Cap. Japanese made. Wool ball cap. Has a Colonel's eagle directly embroidered on front. On the bill are a set of...

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WWII AAF Air Transport Command Naked Lady CBI Made Squadron Patch. Four and a half inches in diameter. Multi-piece leather construction with the morse code...

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WWII Airborne / Air Corps Stencilled HBT Coveralls. Standard issue HBT, od green body. In the neck is a black and gold, air corps silk woven spec. tag....

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WWII Airborne Infantry Officer's Unofficial Collar Device. About an inch and a half wide. Standard gold colored Meyers Infantry officers crossed rifles that...

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WWII Airborne Cap / Pocket Oversized Patch. Two and a half inches in diameter. Machine embroidered on twill. Used. You will see photos of these being worn...

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WWII German Fallschirmjager Airborne Tan Bandolier. Dark khaki cotton body. Has ten snapped closure pockets on each end. Dtaed 1944 and you can see the...

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WWII Airborne Enlisted Collar Disc. Slightly under an inch in diameter. Has an applied parachute canopy. Appears to be from a trimmed set of jump wings....

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WWII Army Air Forces Airborne Troop Carrier Italian Made Bullion Patch. Blue wool background with Italian heavy gold and silver embroidered bullion details....

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1920's Air Corps Airship Pilots Wing. About two by four inches. Heavy silver embroidered bullion details on a black wool background. Great three dimensional...

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Early Vietnam 62nd Aviation Company OUTLAWS Chain Stitched Wall Hanger. Satin like background that is about fourteen by eighteen inches, without the fringe....

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Vietnam Amazing Early Special Forces Advisor Matched Tiger Stripe Set. Shirt is cut in a non exposed button two chest pockets, with a  button type cuff. On...

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Amazing Indentified Mike Force Command NCO Group. Where to start with this group? This is a set we have tried to hang on to for our archives but can't...

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WWI Ambulance Service Bullion Patch & Medal. Patch is on a maroon red wool background with heavy silver bullion embroidered details. The medal shows wear...

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WWII American Red Cross Braille Volunteer Badge. About an inch in diameter. Pinback. No hallmakrs. One of the tougher ARC pins to find.

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WWII American Red Cross Canal Zone Patch. Twill background with flocked / printed details. Unused. Have never seen another like this before.  IOR

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WWII American Red Cross China Burma India / CBI Patch. Three inches tall. Indian hand stitched details. Sewn on the back are three snaps for removing from a...

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WWII Amphibious Engineers Theatre Made Ike Jacket. The bullion patches suggest this is a German made piece. This officers uniform is patched to the...

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Vietnam Amphibious Engineers Pocket Hanger. Vietnamese machine embroidered. Sewn in between two plasticj pieces with a leatherette like holder. Have never...

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Occupation Period Amphibious Engineers Special Brigade Patch. Japanese raw silk, hand embroidered. Used.

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WWII Home Front Anti- Axis Carved Wood "Back Stabber " Tojo Figure. About six and a half inches tall. Super cariacuture of Tojo in Japanese uniform even down...