Archive Of Previously SOLD Items

This section will show items that we have had posted on the website, that have already been sold.


This section can give everyone an idea about the types of items we carry.

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WWI 6th Marines, 2nd Battalion Support Company, 2nd Division Patch. Multi-piece construction, with the Indian head being hand embroidered. Removed from a...

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Vietnam 71st Assault Helicopter Company FIREBIRDS Pocket Patch With Callsign. Vietnamese machine embroidered. Uniform removed. We all know how hard it is to...

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Vietnam 71st Assault Helicopter Company Scroll. Vietnamese machine embroidered. Removed from a uniform.

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Occupation - Early 1950's 71st Signal Service Battalion Bullion Patch. Gaberdine wool like background with Japanese hand embroidered and bullion embroidered...

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Vietnam US Air Force 71st Special Operations Squadron SHADOW B FLIGHT Beercan Plaque. Wooden, shield shaped background. Has a great beercan badge showing...

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WWII 751st Tank Battalion DI. Two piece construction. Almost an inch and a half tall. Pot metal background with beautiful enameled details. Screw back but...

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WWII 77th Division 306th Field Artillery Painted Waterproof Bag. Stands about twelve inches tall and is about five inches wide. On the front and back is a...

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US Air Force 7th Airborne Command And Control Squadron Init Commanders Group.Group consists of two different Thai made 7th ACCS patches. Large Japanese Ace...

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WWII 7th Armor Division 23rd Armored Infantry Battalion Decorated Helmet Liner. Westinghouse made liner. Has been painted a glossy green with a blue and...

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WWII - Occupation Period 7th Cavalry Regiment GARRY OWEN Japanese Bullion Pocket Patch. A little over three inches tall. Japanese heavy bullion embroidery...

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1920's-30's 7th Infantry Regiment Mess Dress DI. About an inch and a quarter tall. Gold colored metal background with deep enameled details. Has a D.S. of...

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7th Radio Relay Field Station Ubon Pocket Patch. Thai hand embroidered. Used.

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Vietnam 7th Squadron 1st Air Cavalry COMANCHES Chain Stitched Pocket Patch. Blue twill like background with the tightest chain stitching we have encountered....

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Vietnam 7th Squadron 1st Cavalry APACHE GUNS Nomex Shirt.  Standard issue nomex shirt. On the right pocket is a Vietnamese made APACHE GUNS patch.Above the...

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Korean War 8081st Airborne Quartermaster Detachment Pocket / Squadron Patch. Machine embroidered on twill. Often mistakenly refered to as a WWII Marine...

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Korean War US Air Force HEAD HUNTERS 80th Fighter Squadron Patch. Thick Japanese machine embroidered. Six inches tall. Jacket removed. Scan does not do this...

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Late 1940's - Korean War US Air Force 80th Fighter HEADHUNTERS Squadron Patch. Almost six inches tall. Philippine (?) machine embroidered. Hard to find....

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WWII 815th Tank Destroyer Officers Device. Has the snowflake type back. Somehow the 1 has fallen off. No matter what, this is a rare piece of insignia....

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Vietnam ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Special Forces 81st Special Forces Tiger Stripe Shirt. Two chest pockets with single exposed buttons. Cuffed sleeves....

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WWII - Occupation 8225th WAC Battalion MacArthurs HQ Bullion Patch. Incredible Japanese made. Raw silk background with high quality heavy bullion embroidered...

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WWI 825th Aero Squadron insignia Group. This is an incredible group of insignia and all removed from the same coat. The aero squadron patch is all hand ,...

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WWII AAF 826th Bomb Squadron DI. About an inch and a quarter tall. Aluminum background with painted details. Has a A Augis hallmark. French Made. Pin back....

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WWII 82nd Airborne Operation Torch Invasion Flag Patch. Printed on a coarse muslin like material. These were used for North Africa and pre date the oilskin...

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1950's US Air Force 82nd Fighter Interceptor Squadron Patch. Thick chenille embroidered on wool. Unused. NOR

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Rare South Vietnamese Army Ranger 83rd Battalion 33rd Group 3rd Corps Ceremonial Flag. Roughly nineteen by twenty-nine inches. Maroon cotton background. Has...

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WWII 83rd Chemical Mortar Battalion Patch. Italian silk woven. Has been removed from a uniform.

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WWII 843rd Anti-Aircraft Artillery Battalion Chinese Made Wings. About three and a quarter inches long. Chinese made cast wing. Has a mini set of Coast...

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WWII 865th Bomb Squadron, 494th Bomb Group, 7th Air Force Squadron Patch. Printed on this soft leather. Has been removed from a flight jacket.  RIR

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WWII 88th Blue Devil Division Bullion Patch Set. Italian made. Blue silk like background with heavy silver bullion details. Both are used.  NCR

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WWII 88th Division Italian Made Incised Leather Patch. Incised leather construction with a blue painted background. Italian made. Unused. VCR

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Korean War 88th Infantry Battalion Heavy Mortars Shirt. Standard issue khaki, long sleeve shirt. Sewn to the left should is a standard 8th Army shoulder...

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WWII AAF 8th Air Depot Group 5th Air Force Theatre Made Squadron Patch. Two inches in diameter. Hand embroidered details on a twill like background. Unused....

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WWII Army Air Forces 8th Air Force 92nd Bomb Group Fame Favors The Few Overseas Cap. Standard gaberdine wool enlisted cap. Sewn to the front is an English...

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WWII 8th Air Force England Pilots Silk Scraf. Made out of white parachute silk. About nine inches wide by fifty-two inches long. On one end is a hand...

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Vietnam US Air Force 8th Bomb group THE CABERRA NIGHT FIGHTERS DOOM PUSSY Squadron Patch. Vietnamese hand embroidered. Still sewn to a piece of flight suit.

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Korean War USAF 8th Bomb Squadron Korea Squadron Mug. Brownish finish ceramic body with a naked lady handle. On the front is the sqd patch likeness and  51...

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Spanish American War Bullion 8th Corps Badge. Blue wool like background with heavy gold bullion embroidered details. Appears used.

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Civil War 8th Infantry Heavy Bullion Cap Badge. About two inches tall by three and a quarter inches wide. Thick black velvet background with super heavy gold...

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South Vietnamese Marine 8th Battalion Patch. Vietnamese silk woven. Unused.

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Vietnam Era US Air Force 8th Tactical Fighter Wing Deputy Commander Theatre Made Ball Cap. Black cotton body with six panels.  Directly embroidered in the...

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Vietnam US Air Force 8th Tactical Bomb Wing Doom Pussy Dirty Dozen Black Dyed K2B Flight Suit. Standard issue K2B cotton flight suit that has been over dyed...

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WWI 92nd Division Cavalry Troops Patch. OD wool background with gold wool details. Unused.

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WWI 92nd Division Infantry BUFFALO Patch. Light blue wool background with machine embroidered details. Has some bug damage. Unused.

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WWII - Occupation Period 92nd Division Reverse Direction Patch. Two inches tall. Japanese machine embroidered. Used.

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WWII - Occupation 93rd Chemical Mortar Battalion Bullion Patch. About two and a quarter inches tall. German bullion and hand embroidered details. Unused....

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WWI 93rd Division BLOODY HAND Patch. Slightly over two inches tall. Multi-piece wool construction. Unused.

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WWI 93rd Division Liberty Loan Patch. Silk woven construction. Unused.

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WWII 93rd Division OD Border Patch. Standard fully embroidered patch that has had a od border added to it. After the border was added the patch was sewn to a...