Archive Of Previously SOLD Items

This section will show items that we have had posted on the website, that have already been sold.


This section can give everyone an idea about the types of items we carry.

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Wow, talk about a rare flight jacket.This is a named Marine Pilot's CWU-36P nylon flight jacket. On the left chest is a thicker then normal leather name tag....

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Vietnamese Made Ho Chi Minh Can Kiss My Ass Banner Signed BY USN & SVN Sailors. Satin like body. Has applied, machine sewn letters. On the back are...

Vietnam Ho Chi MInh Kiss My Ass Flag / Banner. White satin like body. About seventeen by thirty-nine inches. Each letter is hand sewn, applied. On each red...

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1950's South Vietnamese Army Hoa-Cam Training Center Patch. Multi-piece wool body with hand embroidered and bullion details. Two piece. Has the early French...

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WWII Japanese Home Front  4th Squadron air defense megaphone . The construction of the megaphone is solid with no damage. One of the rivets holding the...

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WWII Japanese Home Front Air Raid Themed Wooden Matchstick Boxes. Ten boxes total, all are full.They have various scenes of searchlights, aaa guns,...

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WWII Japanese Homefront Female Uniform Set. Rough, green hemp like material. The blouse has remnants of a braid around the cuff. Button front with two chest...

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Vietnam Huey Helicopter Presentation Control Stick / Grip . Standard control stick, still has all its buttons in place. It is then mounted on a small piece...

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Vietnam Hunter Killer Team Tab / Arc. Vietnamese machine embroidered. Uniform removed. Super hard to find piece. I have had the thin type arcs before but not...

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Vietnam Identified 3rd Mike Force CHINA BOY Patch. Vietnamese silk woven,. Classic skull and crossbones design. Has some old tape on the back with the...

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WWII Identified 507th Parachute Infantry 82nd Airborne Jump Jacket. Standard issue M-42 jump jacket. Above the left chest is a twill namestrip with FREEDMAN...

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1950's US Air Force Identified 526th Fighter Interceptor Squadron Patch. The patch is four and a half inches tall. Multi-piece felt construction. French...