Archive Of Previously SOLD Items

This section will show items that we have had posted on the website, that have already been sold.


This section can give everyone an idea about the types of items we carry.

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Vietnam Classic Tiger Stripe Camo Boonie Hat. Silver pattern cotton material. Multi-stitched brim. About a size 7 1/4. Has been worn and used and the metal...

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WWI Coast Artillery Corps Chaplian Detachment Officers Collar Device. Blackened finish. Pin back with an open hook type catch.

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Pre-WWII Coast Artillery Intelligence Corps Officers Collar Device. About two inches wide. Enameled details. Heavy weight construction. Pin back.

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WWI US Coast Guard Surf Riders Colalr Device. About an inch tall. Blackened finsih. Pin back with an open hook type catch.

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WWI US Coast Guard Emergency Patrolman  Enlisted Collar Disc. Blackened finish, about an inch in diameter. All details in relief. Screw back. Great shape.

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Vietnam US Navy Coastal Squadron One BDQ / Ranger Camo Shirt. Heavyweight cotton BDQ pattern shirt. Has hand emb. US Navy and name strips. Metal pin on rank...

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Korean War Columbian Army Combat Infantry Badge. About an inch and three quarters wide. Pot metal construction with enameled details. Stamped on the reverse...

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Korean War Columbian Forces In Korea Patch.About two and a half inches tall. Fully machine embroidered. Unused.  VNT

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1950's Columbian United Nations Volunteer Forces In Korea Patch. A little over four inches tall. Thick machine embroidered details on a satin like backing....

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Combined Recon Platoon 1 Task Force 2 CCC SOG Patch. Thai machine embroidered. Unused. One of the last SOG patches from Vietnam. Was made up of members from...

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WWI Commission On Training Camp Activites War Department Collar Device. About two inches long. Blackened finsih. Pin back with an open hook type catch....

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WWII Condor Field 29 Palms California Glider Training Khaki Shirt. Condor Field patch is flocked on a satin like background. Above the pocket is a machine...