Archive Of Previously SOLD Items

This section will show items that we have had posted on the website, that have already been sold.


This section can give everyone an idea about the types of items we carry.

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WWII Official Signal Corps Photographers Multi-Piece Wool Armband. About five inches tall by thirteen inches wide. Multi-piece wool construction. Has some...

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Vietnam US Air Force Operation Home Coming Flight Surgeon Patch Set. Three patches in set, one for Vietnam to Philippines  with gold top, one with blue top...

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Vietnam Special Forces Operations-33 SOG Identified Pocket Patch. About four inches tall. Philippine machine embroidered on twill. Op-33 was a dark...

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WWII era US Navy framed original artwork of the USS Pintado Kill Flag. The original canvas artwork appears to have been framed when it was painted right...

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Original Wartime Bringback NVA / North Vietnamese Army Pith Helmet. OD cloth covered fibre helmet. Still has the thin leather sweatband with pot metal...

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Japanese Osaka Mainichi Press Cross Pacific Flight 1939 Flag. Cotton body, with foil like corners. Roughly twenty-seven by thirty-nine inches. Great printed...

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WWII OSS / Chinese Commando Theatre Made Patch. Cinese silk hand embroidered. Was cut a little harsh from sheet. Unused.  CPR

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WWII OSS / Office of Strategic Services DI. Slightly over an inch tall. Brass background with enameled details and the spearhead is in relief. Clutch back.

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WWII OSS Chinese Commando Raw Silk Patch. Raw silk blue background with Chinese hand embroidered details. Unused.

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WWII OSS Office Of Strategic Service Cloake - Dagger Chinese Made Tab / Patch. About three and a half inches long. Chinese raw silk background with Chinese...

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WWII P-61 Black Widow Northrop Test Pilots Wool Ball Cap. Wow, where to start with this rare piece of headgear. Two tone, orange and black wool body. Sewn to...

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WWII - Occupation Pacific Stars And Stripes Patch. Japanese silk woven with a burlap backing. Unused.

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WWII War Correspondent Grouping.  This is a grouping of paperwork, identification cards and photos named to a Mr James F Rembert. Included are a lot of...

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US Navy Patrol Air Cushioned Vehicle Division 107 Boat Squadron 1 Patch. Machine embroidered on twill. Unused. This unit was stationed at Cat Lo in May of...

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Vietnam Personal Intransit Smack Security THE SPECIMEN SEEKERS PISS UNIT Pocket Hanger. About five inches tall. Vietnamese machine embroidered and sewn...

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WWII Japanese Army Philippine Islands Service FOB. Lightweight, silver colored metal, maybe aliminum. On the front is a island with a artillery piece,...

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WWII Philippine Made Imperial Japanese Navy White Field Cap. Made out of a coarse white canvas like material. Cut identical to a issue field cap. Has what...

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Yokohama Japan 1946 Pin-Up Painted M-43 Field Jacket. Standard issue WWII M-43. Painted on the back is Mount Fuji with a pin-up laying at the base, that...

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North Vietnamese / Viet Cong Plastic Covered Bamboo Helmet. Lightweight, bamboo woven body. Has a odd green colored  plastic helmet cover that is sewn along...

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WWII Civilian Pilot Training Program Polaris Flight Academy War Eagle Field Squadron 3 Flight Instructors Squadron Patch. Machine embroidered on twill, fine...

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Vietnam era poplin ERDL camo issued flight suit. The camo material is very vibrant and the suit looks as though its only been washed once or twice. The suit...

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WWI Postal Express Courier Patch. Machine chain stitched on od wool background. Unused.

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WWII Japanese POWER Marked Sennabarri Vest. White cotton body. Has numerous blue stitches. Inside, on the back is a large hand written character for POWER....

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Pre - WWI Navy Dixie Cup Hat. Standard white cotton twill like body. Sewn to the hat is a tag that says “U.S. NAVAL CLOTHING FACTORY, NAVY YARD, NEW YORK....