Archive Of Previously SOLD Items

This section will show items that we have had posted on the website, that have already been sold.


This section can give everyone an idea about the types of items we carry.

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WWII Japanese Army Identified Wool Field Cap. OD wool body with the embroidered vent holes. Has a thin leather chinstrap. Sewn to the front is a woven army...

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WWI Identified Royal Flying Corps Pilots Overseas Cap.  High quality wool body. Cut in typical English style. The two small buttons on the front have beavers...

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Early WWII Japanese Army Issue Wristwatch. Silver colored metal body with a white face. Has a small second hand dial at the bottom. Inside the face is...

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Incredible Vietnam 118th Air Mobile Uniform Group. Included in this group is a khaki tan cowboy boonie hat. Sewn on the front is a Bien-Hoa Viet-Nam tab. On...

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Incredible South Vietnamese Army Ranger Advisors Inisgnia Set. Consists of the SOG style shell burst Ranger Recon pocket patch, 3rd Corps recon scroll,...

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Incredible Captured Camo North Vietnamese Army Pith Helmet. Standard fibre type helmet, that has had a brighter green coat of paint put on it. The center...

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Incredible WWII Handmade Imperial Japanese Navy Rising Sun Flag. Roughly seventeen by twnety-seven inches. Material is a heavy, coarse muslin like cotton....

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Incredible Pre-WWII Shipboard Made Metal S-1 Submarine Model. The model itself is twenty-seven inches long by seven inches tall. All hand worked metal. Has...

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WWI Indian Scouts Enlisted Collar Disc. One inch in diameter. Blackened finsih. Screw back.

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WWI US Indian Scouts Enlisted Collar Disc. One inch in diameter. Screw back.

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1870's-1880's US Indian Scouts Helmet Plate. Stamped metal standard issue Army helmet plate. Applied to the center are silver crossed arrows for...

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1870's-1880's US Indian Scouts Saddle Blanket Inisgnia / shabraque. Stamped metal. Has four small prongs for attaching to blanket. Shows use but still in...

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1920's First Style Infantry School Patch. Three and ahalf inches tall. Multi-piece wool construction with a hand embroidered bayonet in the center. Has been...

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WWII Japanese Army Infantry Unit Guidon. Muslin cotton background with sewn leather corners. About eleven and a half inches by seventeen inches. Blue...

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WWI Intelligence Police Enlisted Collar Disc. About one inch in diameter. Shows very light use. Screw back.  VPR

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WWII International Military Tribunal / War Crimes  Nurnberg 1945 Cigarette Case. Two piece fiited, plastic case. . On the front is a painted red shield with...

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WWII SHAEF Invaders Patch & Tab. Tab is machine embroidered on felt with a cheesecloth like backing. The SHEAF patch is a standard fully embroidered...

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Rare Invisible ERDL Camo Set From Early Special Forces Veteran. Heavyweight cotton body. Shirt is cut in ARVN style with single exposed button chest pockets....

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Vietnam Era US Navy Inshore Underwater Warfare Group - 1 WESTPAC Detachment Stable Door Patch. Japanese machine embroidered. Removed from a uniform.

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Vietnam Japanese Tailor Made Tiger Stripe Flight Suit. Cut similar to a K2B flight suit but made out of a silky tiger stripe material. Has the Tailors tag in...

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Jimmy Stewart Unpublished WWII AAF Photo Group. Three photos in group, all are black and white. They are about three by four and a half inches. One shows two...

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Rare WWII Jingpaw Ranger Patch. Fully machine embroidered. This is the proper version where the patch was cut in half and resewn so that the tab and stripes...

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ARVN / South Vietnamese Army Judge Advocate General / Judicial School Bullion Beret Badge. Blue velvet background with Vietnamese silver embroidered details....

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WWII Japanese Kanton Army Of Honor Signed Japanese Flag. About 30x33 inches. Cotton body. Roughly translated the flag reads PROTECT OUR BORDERS IMPERIAL ARMY...